
New Member
does any one else just get fed up with the defender from time to time? I've only had it a short while but after a recent long journey (1500 miles up to Skye and back - with a bit of touring around) I simply can't stand the thought of another long journey in my 110, and the Mrs is demanding I sell before we drive to Devon in the summer!!
Mate, I've read two of your posts this morning and before it gets silly,
I would direct you to Ebay or Gumtree if you feel you must sell your motor, that way it will leave you with a little credibility on here.

You need 50 meaningful posts to advertise on here.
Mate, I've read two of your posts this morning and before it gets silly,
I would direct you to Ebay or Gumtree if you feel you must sell your motor, that way it will leave you with a little credibility on here.

You need 50 meaningful posts to advertise on here.

But to the op. Yes I get ****ed off with mine, it's not even on the road and I'm ****ed off with it.
Could I bring myself to sell it? Probably not!
You don't buy a 90/110 for comfort and you probably knew that before you bought it.
He's been a member on here for three years. Not everybody posts ten times a week.

Anyway, l have had a lot of classic cars and you do at times get fed up with them. Many's the time l've decided to sell a fact we sold the missus's Defender 90 last year, as it was "costing too much" and bought a VW Polo.

It was a mistake. Now we have two. A 90 and a 110. The Polo is sold.

Is your 110 a heap, or a good one? Why did you get fed up with it? Too noisy, broke down? The jobs can mount up and leave you wanting to get shut.

Do you have another vehicle to use as well? Consider parking the Land Rover for a couple of weeks and giving it a rest.
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Looking on the bright side after 1500 miles your ears will be ringing that loud you won't hear your missus moaning at you for at least another fortnight[emoji1]
I generally enjoy doing stuff to me truck, usually at my leisure, but I know what you mean when stuff goes wrong.
Did me brakes a few weeks ago and me bloody head gasket blew coming home from work tother morning.the head is sat in me garage now waiting for round 2 tomorrow.
Yep I get ****ed off with mine all the time. Then my wife tells me to sell it but I could never part with it. Im always under the bonnet and Long journeys are just a loud nightmare of rattles shakes and constant worries about blowing another wheel bearing, but after 10 years with the old girl I could never sell her.. (the wife on the other hand!!!) If you soundproof your own and carpet everything it will be a lot more comfortable. My friends 300tdi which he has only sound proofed with standard carpet everywhere is a far more enjoyable ride then my own 28 year old bone shaker. She is reliable and has never left me stranded.
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does any one else just get fed up with the defender from time to time? I've only had it a short while but after a recent long journey (1500 miles up to Skye and back - with a bit of touring around) I simply can't stand the thought of another long journey in my 110, and the Mrs is demanding I sell before we drive to Devon in the summer!!

The question is why?
Noisy add a lot more sound proofing
Uncomfortable get better seats
The day after we got ours we drove to St Ives in it, 360 miles.
I've been down there many times in various cars, but the journey in the Land Rover was the one l enjoyed the most.
Just don't expect to sit in the outside lane. 65mph all the way and let the world and their Audi/BMW/Mercedes go by.
Year after that we drove to Scotland, 400 miles in one hit. Again we got out (of the TD5 90 CSW) feeling fresh after seven hours driving.
We've been to Wales in the 300tdi (75 miles on the motorway) and it's much louder. Not sure l'd want to go to Scotland in it.
But if anything it's more fun to drive on shorter journeys than my TD5 110 CSW
We drove ours to Spain, via Calais, in our 200Tdi. Soundproofing is rubber floor mats and a lined bonnet.
The only problem was the infection in my ankle joint on the way back!
It's slow, noisy, rattles, and some days I feel like burning it. But would I get rid of it? No way :) It will never be a modern car but all things considered it's not bad.

I actually find mine pretty comfortable for driving- the seats are originally from a lorry IIRC so meant for long distances. Road handling is surprisingly good, probably helped somewhat by the permanent 4wd. Soundproofing can always be fitted if you find the noise objectionable.
Horses for courses, I drive mine around country lanes here in France and I wouldn't want anything else. My 200tdi, 110 has street credibility, everyone gets out of the way. No worries about getting dings in the supermarket car parks, no one wants to park near it. Great for carrying stuff in, collecting wood from the forest. Have driven it from the south of France to the UK and back, about 1500 mile round trip. Driven it down to Spain and across Morocco, that was about an 4000 mile round trip. Mine is completely standard, No insulation or sound proofing as it often gets wet inside. Seats are standard, Just recovered one. I find the seats quiet comfortable. I can do a lot of the repairs myself. Parts are cheap. It will cruise comfortably at 70 MPH. I find it has character. Everyone stares at it when I go past. I have had it for five years. I find modern cars just boring. My wife has a Toyota Auris which is great but just dam boring. I would sooner take the Defender to go to the shops or on a trip. lots more fun. Would I sell it. NO, I wouldn't know what to replace it with.
Thanks for the replies, I've been a member for ages but mainly read and gather info!
Yeah it's the noise and the comfort and the economy, and the worry that something will always need doing, all things I was aware of when I got it, but was like a kid in a sweet shop when I picked it up!
The journey to Scotland was ok and driving around was fine, the journey back just seemed rubbish and long and loud! Maybe it was post holiday blues!
Well, a 300tdi Utility is not going to be the quietest or most refined version.

Maybe you could look at buying a TD5. They are a lot more refined.
Horses for courses, I drive mine around country lanes here in France and I wouldn't want anything else. My 200tdi, 110 has street credibility, everyone gets out of the way. No worries about getting dings in the supermarket car parks, no one wants to park near it. Great for carrying stuff in, collecting wood from the forest. Have driven it from the south of France to the UK and back, about 1500 mile round trip. Driven it down to Spain and across Morocco, that was about an 4000 mile round trip. Mine is completely standard, No insulation or sound proofing as it often gets wet inside. Seats are standard, Just recovered one. I find the seats quiet comfortable. I can do a lot of the repairs myself. Parts are cheap. It will cruise comfortably at 70 MPH. I find it has character. Everyone stares at it when I go past. I have had it for five years. I find modern cars just boring. My wife has a Toyota Auris which is great but just dam boring. I would sooner take the Defender to go to the shops or on a trip. lots more fun. Would I sell it. NO, I wouldn't know what to replace it with.

Totally agree about the character, and even though it's handsome - no one does want to park near it in car parks? I like the noise and the rumbles, and the children enjoy hitting their heads on the roof when we drive on a bumpy road or when we're moving cross country. And what would you replace it with? Nothing compares really. I drove a friends car not long ago, it felt like a go kart! I'm impressed by all these speeds mentioned, comfortably at 70 mph, we are definitely uncomfortable at 70 mph, for fear of something dropping off?
70mph is a bit fast in my 200Tdi - although it will do it happily it's very loud and fuel economy suffers noticeably. 60mph is a good cruising speed, up to 65mph to maybe get past one of those lorries that either has no limiter or has one set incorrectly.

I do 2,500 miles a month in mine including 4-5 trips a year from Scotland to the South East and I find I have no issues with it in terms of comfort or economy. Returns a fairly consistent 30mpg overall, which includes everything from long cruises to heavy towing.

If you like the vehicle, keep it!
I grew up with my family driving a SII 109. We lived in london and drove to mid Wales most weekend to stay in a little farm house. Long journeys, no radio, cold and uncomfortable. But I didn't know anything different.

Every time I drive my 1985 110 I get taken back down memory lane. Always brings a smile to my face. Although I am lucky because I really do NOTHING but adventure driving in my 110 as there are few roads here and no trespassing laws. Having to deal with london traffic might get a bit much.

As for it breaking down... Every time it starts, every time it finishes a journey I enjoy knowing that it was down to me. Not only the way I drive it, but the fact I patiently keep it running long after nature should have rusted it away and beaten it up.

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