Totally agree about the character, and even though it's handsome - no one does want to park near it in car parks? I like the noise and the rumbles, and the children enjoy hitting their heads on the roof when we drive on a bumpy road or when we're moving cross country. And what would you replace it with? Nothing compares really. I drove a friends car not long ago, it felt like a go kart! I'm impressed by all these speeds mentioned, comfortably at 70 mph, we are definitely uncomfortable at 70 mph, for fear of something dropping off?

Mine has sat at 70 mph all day on some trips and it feels quiet happy, fuel consumption at that speed is between 26 to 28 mpg. As soon as I go over 70mph then it starts dropping rapidly. I have never given it a second thought that it might break down. I like to think I keep it fairly well together. The trip to the UK, the only tools I carried were a roll of duct tape, some pliers and a hammer. And I only took them because I forgot they were there. The trip to Morocco I took a load of tools and some spares but never needed them. I think I only lifted the bonnet twice to check oil etc. The clutch did go a few weeks later but that was right outside my front door. And it was 24 years old.
Mine has sat at 70 mph all day on some trips and it feels quiet happy, fuel consumption at that speed is between 26 to 28 mpg. As soon as I go over 70mph then it starts dropping rapidly. I have never given it a second thought that it might break down. I like to think I keep it fairly well together. The trip to the UK, the only tools I carried were a roll of duct tape, some pliers and a hammer. And I only took them because I forgot they were there. The trip to Morocco I took a load of tools and some spares but never needed them. I think I only lifted the bonnet twice to check oil etc. The clutch did go a few weeks later but that was right outside my front door. And it was 24 years old.

A roll of duct tape, I like that!! Maybe I should wrap my 110 in it and put my foot down?!
I'm not really caught up on speed, although I have wondered where I could fit a turbo? It's just that my experience of motorway driving is like running in wellies!! :D
A roll of duct tape, I like that!! Maybe I should wrap my 110 in it and put my foot down?!

I'm not really caught up on speed, although I have wondered where I could fit a turbo? It's just that my experience of motorway driving is like running in wellies!! :D

What engine have you got then, Hub?
Once you've owned any older vehicle and done the maintenance yourself for a while, the risk of unexpected malfunctions does drop quite a bit- you know first hand which parts are new, what jobs are next on the horizon etc. Far more so that with a more modern vehicle, where there are not only more things to fail, but it's less likely that you know what's in need of attention. I find it quite rewarding knowing the job is done and the car's kept in a good state.
Once you've owned any older vehicle and done the maintenance yourself for a while, the risk of unexpected malfunctions does drop quite a bit- you know first hand which parts are new, what jobs are next on the horizon etc. Far more so that with a more modern vehicle, where there are not only more things to fail, but it's less likely that you know what's in need of attention. I find it quite rewarding knowing the job is done and the car's kept in a good state.

+1 Quiet agree, you do get a good feel for what will need attention unlike a modern vehicle where it just fails. One other thing is the cost of repairs and parts. Defenders are cheap and easy to repair. Most repairs to modern cars you need specialist equipment. A little while back in the dark I reversed my Defender into the back of my Renault and broke the back lights on both. Cost of replacement for the Defender £0.55p Renault £127. Turbo went on the Renault. £3000. Cost of replacement for the Defender £650 and that's a top Johnny Garret turbo. I could do the job myself on the Defender. The Renault had to go back to the dealer. Oil change on a Defender is a 7 minute job. nearly one and a half hours on the Renault.
Well I think it was post holiday blues, I plan to make a few improvements without spending a fortune, a little insulation and carpeting and a few other jobs and see how I feel about it.
I never doubted it would make the journey to Skye and back and do feel I'm getting to know it a little better, it s a good feeling knowing something is fixed and done right.
Thanks for the supportive messages, at least I know I'm not the only one who occasionally wants to firebomb their own car!
If your like me you will find they longer you keep it the more you like it And then nothing else will do. They only other car I enjoyed as much was my Old TR6.
Fit a soundproofing kit, and carpets if it doesn't have any.
Makes a big difference on the "utility" models.
Fit a soundproofing kit, and carpets if it doesn't have any.
Makes a big difference on the "utility" models.

+1. makes a huge difference. Esp recommend carpet tiles on the rear roof and sides, stops that low frequency booming that can be tiring. I've had the landy blues too, most owners have at some stage. The thing is, as soon as you sell it, you'll want one again.
Sorry to sound blunt mate but it seems to me that you are just not cut out to have a Defender. You either love 'em or hate 'em. Comfort is definitely NOT one of their strong points. I have driven nothing but utility Land Rovers since I was 18 (I'm 36 now) and wouldn't image myself owning anything else. If you have had it for a short while as you said and are already fed up of it, sorry but it's just not the vehicle for you.
Never had a fender but have a s3 109 and owned a few series's Probably the same thing. Does anyone buy these work horses for comfort and speed? I use mine to get back to proper driving. It's a 'Sunday drive type of vehicle' and I enjoy tinkering with it as a hobby.

If you want speed and comfort buy an office bods exec Range Rover.
I've realised what it is that made me consider selling, now I've been in it on my own again for a few weeks I love it, I even stare at it out of the window from time to time...
The Mrs being in it is like the proverbial devil on my shoulder whispering (loudly over the engine!) about being uncomfortable or noisy!!!
The key is to keep her out of it!!
My girlfriend took one look at my 109 and asked why the hell I would want to drive it. I told her to have a go and see what she thought.
No Brakes
Hand brake too awkward
No radio
Steering wheel too big
Seats uncomfortable
Can't see over the bonnet
No carpet
Too noisy
Etc etc etc.

I just smiled and said ' yeah I know, awesome ain't it?' [emoji7][emoji41]
I've realised what it is that made me consider selling, now I've been in it on my own again for a few weeks I love it, I even stare at it out of the window from time to time...
The Mrs being in it is like the proverbial devil on my shoulder whispering (loudly over the engine!) about being uncomfortable or noisy!!!
The key is to keep her out of it!!

I think that's absolutely right, if the other half is constantly complaining and pointing out all the faults and not loving the quirks, character and ability of the vehicle, it is hard to convey what it is that draws you to it. My husband is the same (hubby!!) pointing out where there's more rust, the noise, discomfort, the door doesn't shut, it's breezy, water ingress, 'where's that bit dropped off from?' more rust.....!!
He appreciates the character as long as it's not too uncomfortable or expensive. He doesn't even drive, so he can't grasp what love I've got for the drive of the thing! I love driving it, I can't think of another vehicle on the market I'd rather have? But if I had the financial choice, perhaps I might consider getting a second vehicle like a mini (!) to keep the hubby happy...?
I must be very fortunate, my wife loves it. We usually do our shopping early Sunday morning and she always tells me " lets go in the 4X4" She keeps on at "why don't we get it resprayed and tidy it up." We came back from the restaurant last Saturday night, it was pouring down with rain and water was dripping on her foot and new shoes. What other car can you have such fun in. Its part of the family.
I have a fair bit of sympathy for the OP on this thread.

I have done less than 25,000 miles in Daisy (110 Defender) and I reckon in modifications/improvements and repairs I have spent the better part of £8,000.

Currently in agony from pulling a muscle changing the clutch assembly plus master and slave cylinder I need to reconnect with this hunk of junk before it goes in the small ads.
Mikescuba, you remind me of an old friend. He says that his 110 is not only part of the family but it brought his family together. Everything they do as a family is centred around the 110.
The answer for the Mrs point of view might be get a V8 CSW , that will overcome the noise and speed issues, but may add the fuel consumption issue :) The V8 is a lot more relaxed drive as it never feels as if you are thrashing it . JMHO

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