If anyones going to the show, BBSguy is easy to spot...suntan to kill for and wearing an Armani suit with a big bulge where his wallet sits !!!!

To be honest though..it's a great offer and a godsend for P38 owners and will pay for itself with saved cash from trips to the Stealers at £50-60 a throw.
The response is not surprising and fair play to Paul for taking it on board :praise:
To those of you waiting for Storey Wilsons "Miracle Cure" for "Free"...keep on waiting, cos it aint going to happen for ages yet...there's no such thing as a "Free Lunch"
just checking my order is placed paul. im on holiday and have limited tinternet access and dont want to miss out.
HI All,
yup you will be all included.
I work shifts and on nights this tour, just waiting for BBS GUY to reply after the show for the finer points etc, then i will post Instructions, enjoy the rest of the weekend !... I am going to work shortly.
If anyones going to the show, BBSguy is easy to spot...suntan to kill for and wearing an Armani suit with a big bulge where his wallet sits !!!!

To be honest though..it's a great offer and a godsend for P38 owners and will pay for itself with saved cash from trips to the Stealers at £50-60 a throw.
The response is not surprising and fair play to Paul for taking it on board
To those of you waiting for Storey Wilsons "Miracle Cure" for "Free"...keep on waiting, cos it aint going to happen for ages yet...there's no such thing as a "Free Lunch"

No free lunches Irish, but as i don't need one at the moment i think it reasonable to wait until the other cafe opens then you can compare the quality of the egg and chips. Competition breeds price drops. :):):)
wow you lads should just sell your souls to the devil too.....! all that fuss to save £20 or something??? your taking a big risk.

you know what they say about a fool and there money........!

We have around 15-16 buyers ... all good ... BBS GUY to reply to my PM, then i will post Instructions, I will PM all that have requsted one.
I think the saving is around £40-45, as postage will be reduced.

Chaps please read the web page, on the model of FCR you require.


also for info.

The Faultmate FCR is designed and manufactured specifically for Reading and Clearing all possible Fault Codes on every system with built-in self diagnostic capability on board each Land Rover model it covers.

Provided and priced as a personal use item for individual vehicle owners, the Faultmate FCR will lock itself to the VIN of the first vehicle it is used on, however, this feature also acts as a theft deterrent, because there is little point anyone stealing the unit, as once used on a vehicle, as it will not work with any other vehicle.

Each Kit comes complete with a FCR Unit, an OBD/Interface Lead, a USB Cable and User Guide - everything you need to start Reading and Clearing your Fault Codes.

This is LZ, I thought it was free.

Reading is optional on here
seriously how sad. you lads are doing nothing but running round promoting a company and paying money for the trouble.....!
P38 Ireland,
Seen & Noted, you do have a valid point, although It is a handy bit of kit, as you know the stealers only care about new car sales as they get arounf 40% repeat sales and we all know their sevices costs and customer care skills have much to be desired, if this FCR product can give the man on the street help and assistance, well then its more power to our elbow!.. Plus with a bit of luck it will solve a few headaches along the way. As you know if BBS fid not sell this product. Some other company will?, as for other people trying to devlop cheap software Well we could wait ? But i would rather try the product.
fcr10 for me please and i am more than happy to give these a try as if they only cure a couple of faults they are worth the money and if you dont want to buy keep off the thred so it keeps tidy for people who do want to buy

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