
New Member
I have started to find some mice droppings along the top of the wings and scuttle, anyone had mice in their P38 before and if so did they find the nest? WIll put traps down before they do any damage but no doubt there are some common places they set up home. Thanks
Years ago I had mice in mine. They got in from refuse sacks that I had to ferry once a week from our shed to a collection point. I first noticed the foil around my mints getting nibbled away although I must have eaten a few before I cottoned on!!!!!!

Couldn't find the buggers for weeks until I was sitting in the car for ages waiting for the missus and I saw one in the dash heater vent!

It seems they were attracted to the warmth and managed to get in through the vent under the passengers seat. A few weeks of traps set with trebor mints sorted them out - with the added bonus that my misus never went near the car again - bliss!
Thanks for replies. Have set bait around engine etc and passenger footwell (and glove box as little bugger got at my werthers) but forgot about vents to rear, sound like a good place for a trap. Thanks all.
years ago, a friend leant me space in his backstreet garage so I could work on one of my minis. My concerns about the 'coffee granules' in the sugar were confirmed one afternoon. Never had sugar in coffee again...
Get them buggers before they start nesting and breeding. They started to 'harvest' the padding in the sound-proofing under the bonnet and somehow get it into the cabin. If you get the parents but leave young ones in the heater ducts and they die, you will get a lovely smell in the cabin as they decompose - nice.............
Yea I once put dog **** down the vent of an ex boss on mine (merc) the guy was a proper ****er, man did it stink in the winter though!!! I used to wind him up asking what the smell was, he didn't have a clue and took it to the garage a few time and they didn't know, it was dried dog ****, that I crumbled up in to a dry powder lol (what a **** head he was)
when I rebuilt my 72 rrc I found 3 mice nests a birds nest and a wasps nest.

the mice seemed to have colonised the dash heater vents and believe it or not there were two mice nests, one complete with skelton inside the chassis! Took some digging and hoovering and compressed air to get them out I can tell you!
Sorry to intrude but I bought a Ser3 a few months ago, had been sitting for about 3 years. When I cut out the f/o/s outrigger I found a mouse's nest in the chassis.

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