
New Member
Hi, I purchased a Range Rover Sport Dynamic 21 plate about 10 months ago from a main RR dealer for £74K. 3 weeks into buying it, it broke down on my way to a family holiday with 2 kids including 2-year-old in the car ( you can imagine the stress ) with the result being it towed away and returned about a week later fixed from a fuel injector fault. The report mentioned a 'historical' fault which was a massive red flag, but this was never disclosed to me. I complained obviously and they gave me a free service which I had about 2 months ago. This week, the same thing has happened, a fuel injector has broken and I’m currently sitting here without a car again. I expect a lot more from a £74K car. So, my question is, Can I legally return the vehicle as I believe it has a serious defect with the fuel injection system as this has happened twice with me and once ( I believe ) with the previous owner. Was I sold a dud car is the question? The car is only 2 years old, so my worry is it not only happening again for the inconvenience but it happening when out of warranty in a years’ time. I don’t necessarily want my money back, but I would potentially like a similar but different vehicle. Does anyone know if I have a legal right here in this situation please? Regards, Nick
Hi, I purchased a Range Rover Sport Dynamic 21 plate about 10 months ago from a main RR dealer for £74K. 3 weeks into buying it, it broke down on my way to a family holiday with a 2-year-old in the car with the result being it towed away and returned about a week later fixed from a fuel injector fault. The report mentioned a 'historical' fault, but this was never disclosed to me. I complained obviously and they gave me a free service which I had about 2 months ago. This week, the same thing has happened, a fuel injector has broken and I’m currently sitting here without a car again. I expect a lot more from a £74K car. So, my question is, Can I legally return the vehicle as I believe it has a serious defect with the fuel injection system as this has happened twice with me and once ( I believe ) with the previous owner. The car is only 2 years old, so my worry is it not only happening again for the inconvenience but it happening when out of warranty in a years’ time. I don’t necessarily want my money back, but I would potentially like a similar but different vehicle. Does anyone know if I have a legal right here in this situation, please? Regards, Nick
Hi and welcome!

Sale of Goods and consumer legislation can help but i would suggest you get advice from Trading Standards or a solicitor as opposed to on a forum.
You’ve already asked the same question elsewhere on here…

It makes it much easier to follow if you don’t duplicate discussions.
Hi and welcome!

Sale of Goods and consumer legislation can help but i would suggest you get advice from Trading Standards or a solicitor as opposed to on a forum.
Yeah last thing I'd want to do is ask a forum full of Range Rover drivers who may have had a similar experience isn't it. What was I thinking. Tell you what, I'll ring a random solicitor out of the yellow pages......that will help!!! If you've gone nothing good to say then button it!!
Yeah last thing I'd want to do is ask a forum full of Range Rover drivers who may have had a similar experience isn't it. What was I thinking. Tell you what, I'll ring a random solicitor out of the yellow pages......that will help!!! If you've gone nothing good to say then button it!!
You're asking for legal advice. You've come to a land rover forum and been suggested you speak to a professional in the field, rather than gossip/opinion that may or may not be relevant to your specific problem.
Hi and welcome, by the way.
Yeah last thing I'd want to do is ask a forum full of Range Rover drivers who may have had a similar experience isn't it. What was I thinking. Tell you what, I'll ring a random solicitor out of the yellow pages......that will help!!! If you've gone nothing good to say then button it!!
As has just been said above.
You may be better off going to a Solicitors forum and asking them, as your problem is a legal one and not a car based one.
And politeness when asking for free help is usually a good idea. ;)
I assume you've had a look at this thread.
A few years old now but a lot of the advice is still applicable.
Hi, I purchased a Range Rover Sport Dynamic 21 plate about 10 months ago from a main RR dealer for £74K. 3 weeks into buying it, it broke down on my way to a family holiday with 2 kids including 2-year-old in the car ( you can imagine the stress ) with the result being it towed away and returned about a week later fixed from a fuel injector fault. The report mentioned a 'historical' fault which was a massive red flag, but this was never disclosed to me. I complained obviously and they gave me a free service which I had about 2 months ago. This week, the same thing has happened, a fuel injector has broken and I’m currently sitting here without a car again. I expect a lot more from a £74K car. So, my question is, Can I legally return the vehicle as I believe it has a serious defect with the fuel injection system as this has happened twice with me and once ( I believe ) with the previous owner. Was I sold a dud car is the question? The car is only 2 years old, so my worry is it not only happening again for the inconvenience but it happening when out of warranty in a years’ time. I don’t necessarily want my money back, but I would potentially like a similar but different vehicle. Does anyone know if I have a legal right here in this situation please? Regards, Nick
You have a legal right to get what you paid for, if you don't or you have issues you are entitled to a refund/repair or replacement. I would make clear what you want in writing nicely and see where they want to take it. The fact its so recent and so new are massively on your side. The additional fact it happened previously should swing it in your favour. However "historical fault" is quite vague.
Yeah last thing I'd want to do is ask a forum full of Range Rover drivers who may have had a similar experience isn't it. What was I thinking. Tell you what, I'll ring a random solicitor out of the yellow pages......that will help!!! If you've gone nothing good to say then button it!!
You're right. What you should do is post in Anything Goes*. We can't give you the full wealth of knowledge on this part of the site, as it's open to the public. Just ask a moderator to move the whole thread if you don't want yo copy and paste.

I assume you've had a look at this thread.
A few years old now but a lot of the advice is still applicable.
That says 6 months and he's had it 10 months.

But hey 2 breakdowns in 10 months is well below average for an LR product :D

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