What it's only broke down twice in 10 months well thats a result he's bought a reliable RR then... Oh and to the OP dont get shirty on here when your asking for free advice p.iss of back to the dealer you spent Β£74K with...
Don't tell LR FFS or they'll want to find out who built in and sack them, after all they don't want a reputation for reliability.
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Go easy on the OP, he obviously hasn't realised that a modern Range Rover is not a car, it's a hobby. Just as important for an owner as a driving licence and insurance is a degree in automotive electronics and AA recovery. They are not meant to be used, you are supposed to keep it in your airconditioned garage, rolling it onto the drive on Sunday to impress the neighbours and give it a polish:cool:
Go easy on the OP, he obviously hasn't realised that a modern Range Rover is not a car, it's a hobby. Just as important for an owner as a driving licence and insurance is a degree in automotive electronics and AA recovery. They are not meant to be used, you are supposed to keep it in your airconditioned garage, rolling it onto the drive on Sunday to impress the neighbours and give it a polish:cool:
Now we all know you love your two 38's secretly... Thow doth protest😜
Yep, I'm happy to have a hobby. I keep two so as to hopefully have one that works and then I have the Transit as back upo_O
I realise this is going to make me an outcast, but I'll risk it ;)

I've owned four RRC V8's over the last 22 years & the only major problem I've ever encountered was with the first .. a 3.9 that slipped #3 liner a year after LPG conversion. Of the remaining three 3.5efi's only rare cases of battery failure have prevented me from using the car, right up to this week that is, when the driver's door latch fell apart effectively locking me out of the car !

The concept of having 'back-up' vehicles is totally alien to me o_O

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