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Has anyone any knowlege on electric cooling fans ie kenlowe,pacet.

Found stockists on the interwebby, But no prices. I don't imagine they are a cheap item, so does the cost justify the returns, pacet claim 8.something fuel savings.

My next thought would be to get an electric fan of a scrap commercial, has any one done this and if so which donor vehicle. I suppose I could get one off a disco (if they have electric fans I dunno) they should be something like.
i stuck one on my rad while it was out awaiting going back in. it was just one i picked up from a scrapy and i had to slighty modify the mountings ( using a shefield fine adjuster) but that was all. i used a thermo switch cabled tied onto the top hose. i have no idea if it works yet but i can't see why not.
my only thought is should i get a varible thermo switch? but that can wait till ii see how it goes with the one its got
as for fuel cosumption it should be better cos its not driiving that huge big mother of a fan..
if this doesn't help tough!!
p.s did y'awl get the vid of our friend
Cheers slob.

S'pose it's a matter of going round the scrap yard and getting one the same diameter, was it just a bog standard sender unit designed to fit the rad or block, or can you get them specifically to fasten to the hose.

Na got a hotel finder instead!! so I haven't ltipdms yet.
the one i used came off a poogut rallycross car so i have no idea where it came from before i got me hands on it. but i just cable tied it to the hose. i don't think putting one in the block is a good idea and to put one in the rad would involve putting holes in yer rad and brazing bit on so problly more work than its worth... i've sent the right one this time so you should be ltipadms soon
the temp stat should be put inside the top hose for the fan to work properly just cable tied on is a bit gash if you ask me it wont get the right reading and eventually bang pop lots of smoke
How do you get it inside the top hose.

Or out of the the top hose come to think of it.
well actually it should be placed low down on the radayatetor and how dare you say cable ties are a bit gash!!!!! i'd be lost without them, I AM CABLE TIE MAN.......................if i do run into problems with it on the top hose i'll just have to get professional and cable tie it to the bottom one.
I bet you're just playing with the plastic ones

Me I've got stainless tie wraps I have.
kenlowe fans are mounted via cable ties through the radiator vains
vehicle wiring products in ilkeston sell them they do mail order
I've gone of the idea.

Most people round these parts reckon they can cause more bother than there worth i.e. sender units not accurate or reliable enough (there is a lump on the thermostat housing asking to be machined up to fit a sender unit).

Unless any one else gives a good enough argument I don't think I'll be bothering. Ta for the interest though.
Its easy, get a 12 volt fan from ebay/scrap yard, make it fit infront or behind the rad then wire it up to a nice shiney toggle switch in the centre console. when the temp gauge gets half way up turn the fan on and your sorted!
Dixonlandy said:
Its easy, get a 12 volt fan from ebay/scrap yard, make it fit infront or behind the rad then wire it up to a nice shiney toggle switch in the centre console. when the temp gauge gets half way up turn the fan on and your sorted!
and yule need to wire in a coil that will administer a 24,000volt shock to the driver so that if for some reason( watching where yer going,looking ahead for the muddiest route or getting a BJ from yer mechanic) you forget to look at yer temp gauge, you will get a timely reminder to switch it on.
I fitted a Kednlowe to my old MGB. The sender was a variable thermister unit with a long probe that was interted into the (I believe it was the top) of the radiator. A supplied rubber wedge placed in the radiator hose allowed the probe to be squashed by the jubilee clip and remain watertight.

I never got a feel of fuel economy, but on a fast road 2 litre engine it was noticably more responsive. Im thinking of fitting one to my 2.8 diesel not for the fuel economy but because my existing fan is bust. The variable thermister is certainly the way to go for me as you can set it to cut in at the required temperature. But im going the second hand route because the official kenlowe offering for £1xx is a tad expensive for an electric motor, plastic fan, thermister and a few mounting brackets.
Manually turning the fan on is a bit hit and miss anyway I'm too busy looking at totty to keep an eye on the temperature gauge.

I think I said earlier on about a lug cast into the thermostat housing which could be machined to fit a sender unit, but for the amount of fuel saved compared to the damage that could be caused by the engine overheating, I don't think it's worth doing, unless someone comes up with a better argument.

I reckon Kenlowes are the same as chequerplate, a fashion statement!!
I have one on mine , don't know about the fuel economy, but it is WARM, so yes get one just for that

regards Lurcher
im going to do just this to my 200tdi.
fan off a scrappy. switch on the dash. check the temp gauge now and again.

regular driving should never require the fan.
traffic jams? just watch the temp, nowt else to do anyway.
off road? switch the fan on when u start. (put a big red warning sticker on the dash if required).

i agree with others. the kenlowe is very expensive for a fan and a few bits of stuff.
Yeah that sounds like a plan, traffic, blast it on when your spending long times in slow stop start traffic, and creeping m-way traffic, thats when my 90 gets the hottest, though not hot enough to trigger fans.

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