Just ordering on ebay now. Is it one of these or a rubber thing? (pic 2) or something on pic 3


pic 2
I defo don't expect anything for chips. I think some mechanics should definitely work a bit faster than they do, methodically and in an uninterrupted fashion. You wouldn't want a brain surgeon on a piddling 100k a year for an 80 hour week farting about on your hippocanthus the way some mechanics fart about in the garage. And don't say some don't, because I've seen it,

You could bring a whip with you the next time you take your car to a mechanic? In fairness you took your car to a ''specialist'' for a none ''specialist'' job, a bit like going to a brain surgeon to have your fringe trimmed and expecting to pay trimmed fringe prices. Usually higher labour costs involved because they specialise in one type of vehicle. If you want to avoid these high labour costs dont go to a brain surgeon to have your fringe cut. Get quotes, it wasn't a difficult job and could not really have been botched, straight forward and easy, anyone could have done it. You live and learn fella.
You could bring a whip with you the next time you take your car to a mechanic? In fairness you took your car to a ''specialist'' for a none ''specialist'' job, a bit like going to a brain surgeon to have your fringe trimmed and expecting to pay trimmed fringe prices. Usually higher labour costs involved because they specialise in one type of vehicle. If you want to avoid these high labour costs dont go to a brain surgeon to have your fringe cut. Get quotes, it wasn't a difficult job and could not really have been botched, straight forward and easy, anyone could have done it. You live and learn fella.
Love it. I'd look a right monkey with a fringe though.
The steps are great anyway. I can get in the flippin thing without looking like I've just had a hip replacement. Just quickly on another matter, I'm going to do the rubber tube on my engine myself. Is it called the return intaker? I've typed in rubber tubing on google and ebay and there's loads of different types.

View attachment 162836

That leak off pipe doesnt look right to me. Id be checking for diesel there too.
I have, but it's a bit too complicated at the moment. However, as my next post will reveal, I am on my way to the stars!!!!!!!!

What's up with your rave mackers? Full fender manual is online too. When you start doing jobs yourself, have a look on land rover toolbox videos on YouTube. Most maintenance jobs for fender are on there and he put links to parts abd useful tools.
Your post style leads me to think you're a bright enough man - there's not much that's complicated unless looking to rebuild steering boxes, diffs engines etc. Maintenance is really not difficult once you have fundamentals and safety in mind. You will have to keep adding to tools. Don't bother buying muck- you'll just buy twice.
What's up with your rave mackers? Full fender manual is online too. When you start doing jobs yourself, have a look on land rover toolbox videos on YouTube. Most maintenance jobs for fender are on there and he put links to parts abd useful tools.
Your post style leads me to think you're a bright enough man - there's not much that's complicated unless looking to rebuild steering boxes, diffs engines etc. Maintenance is really not difficult once you have fundamentals and safety in mind. You will have to keep adding to tools. Don't bother buying muck- you'll just buy twice.
Hiya. Yeah I've got it. I'm gonna have another browse through it over the weekend :)
I spent 2 hole days welding up a scrappy chassis, it was for a 'friend of a friend' so because it was a favor i went easy on him at £450, fecker thought i was taking the pi##, he said he thought it would be half that!
I prefer the paper work shop manuals, easier to navigate and can be taken out on the drive or into the workshop easily with no fuss, same for the parts catalogues.
The cost of £70 labour per hour int just labour.

A garage incurs costs to run as a business. They need contents insurance, accountant, banking costs, phone bill, council tax/rates, advertising, water, electric, building repairs and rent... Not to mention the cost of replacing tools as they wear.

That dun't includes wages. What yer get in yer pocket as well as tax and pension contributions. Owner needs some profit anorl. Skip needs emptied. Fire extinguishers tested. Vat processing. Driving insurance. It all adds up. Office admin...

All of these costs and many more are totalled up then spread across their chargable hours. This will be split across the number of workers charging for jobs. That's the £70 per hour bit.
The cost of £70 labour per hour int just labour.

A garage incurs costs to run as a business. They need contents insurance, accountant, banking costs, phone bill, council tax/rates, advertising, water, electric, building repairs and rent... Not to mention the cost of replacing tools as they wear.

That dun't includes wages. What yer get in yer pocket as well as tax and pension contributions. Owner needs some profit anorl. Skip needs emptied. Fire extinguishers tested. Vat processing. Driving insurance. It all adds up. Office admin...

All of these costs and many more are totalled up then spread across their chargable hours. This will be split across the number of workers charging for jobs. That's the £70 per hour bit.

Damn, and there is me thinking a mechanic is on £140 K per year.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

+1 @Hippo is right. Even the one man operation in a lock up that I go to is fifty an hour. He's a tratter specialist and cheap at the price if you ask me.
Earlier comments about overskilling make sense too.
A properly maintained landrover doesn't leak oil. None of mine ever did.
i have seen a few with cardboard/ drip tray under them when parked up over the years though . :D
Main one was the farmer who used to board our dogs while we were away. I told him every time that if he fixed the leak he would be able to retire with the cost saving.:p
i have seen a few with cardboard/ drip tray under them when parked up over the years though . :D
Main one was the farmer who used to board our dogs while we were away. I told him every time that if he fixed the leak he would be able to retire with the cost saving.:p

So have I, and similar on British motorcycles, of which I have also had several. But it really isn't necessary, in either case, if you are conscientious about changing worn oil seals, and have good technique with gaskets and sealants.
So have I, and similar on British motorcycles, of which I have also had several. But it really isn't necessary, in either case, if you are conscientious about changing worn oil seals, and have good technique with gaskets and sealants.
I totally agree, i would gladly pay to have any leak or defect repaired if it was beyond my capability.
I worry too much just to leave it and hope for the best.

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