I went fishing with my mate who's from Yorkshire on Saturday. Wasn't a particularly hot day, but it was waders and T Shirt weather. I'm a "soft southern shandy drinking poofter" evidently, cos I called it a day early evening - but my mate carried on till dusk when it got 'rite cold' and some fella asked him if he wasn't cold in just his T Shirt. His reply was that "nah I'm from Yarkshure" - but he soon jumped in his car with the heater turned full on to scuttle off home to warm up. All talk them Yarkshuremen.
And as if that wasn't enough proof that Yarkshuremen arn't as tough as they make out, here he is posing in front of his tough as nails girly Yarkshure Suzuki :)

That not be then, I've posted very little as like I've said in a previous post on here, I can't get my head around how a Facebook page can be taken seriously as a proper owners club. No website, no club forum, no magazine etc. I've been a committee member of another classic car club for over 25 years and we only use Facebook for advertising proposes for the club and that's it. All those people on that Freelander page would far better channeling their energy and joining LandZone as this is as close to a club as you need, it works jolly good for me, long live LZ ��

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