'Offensive' posts to be censored now, no swearing or posting photos of pretty girls on Land Rovers.....fluffy bunnies are ok though lol
Is that what they're censoring? Ironic how it was some of the admins who were posting pics of pretty girls and landy's, notably all with defender's though...
From what I read some of the other admins hadn't been consulted, yeah you're right some of the non fluffy stuff was posted by admins-can't beat a bit of hipocracy!
They were saying you wernt removed and left of your own accord.

Not so many discussions in there now. Loads of duff info being told but I am running out of energy to correct people
Can honestly say that I was removed, didn't remove myself, I was enjoying that thread! Good cover for someone to get away with it like, given people were suggesting that I leave anyway... Never mind, much less crap on my news feed now
What's been said like?
There was a thread started by one of the admins about new rules relating to posts being removed if there was swearing or 'inappropriate' images being posted, and if necessary offending members may be banned.
Another admin posted saying he knew nothing about these new rules and seemed surprised not to have been consulted.
Really thinking about leaving there myself, the stupid questions some are asking are getting ridiculous.
It is proper scary what people are doing to their cars and also being recommended to carry out on their cars by people on the facebook page.

And the whole secret society thing is something else!!
I still love the recycled brake discs post from a few weeks ago from the "tech admin fountain of all knowledge"
Some scary stuff being done and advised on there, I think from now on when Somone asks a question I will redirect them to here, they will soon get the point that everything they are asking has already been asked 100's of times and all you have to do is search an you will no doubt end up on landyzone.

Or they will just end up here asking the same questions in the how to section or summit darft

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