As you say its worth every penny and it totally transforms the car. How the car should
have left the factory.
For real power and sound i use my road bike,for economy,comfort and carting the family
around i use the DSE
Dont need too, just fill panniers with all my gear and pass all the cars and caravans at what ever speed i want to on the way to a b&b or hotel.
i cant understand how it can be faster and use less fuel??? it doesnt compute

it just makes the fuel that is injected more precise gav,it really does what it says on the tin,you know i have one on my p38 and i am very pleased with it,next time you come over and if i have still got it,you can have a blast in it.then you will see what everyone who has one of these is going on about.;)
Does any with one of these have fuel consumption figures calculated by hand, i.e. using amount of fill-up and miles travelled. I doubt the onboard computer accuracy with one of these fitted.
Does any with one of these have fuel consumption figures calculated by hand, i.e. using amount of fill-up and miles travelled. I doubt the onboard computer accuracy with one of these fitted.

I get 24/25mpg around and about here in France, empty roads though and no really short runs, and up to 30mpg on the autoroute. Those are brim to brim figures over 12 months. It uses more in very cold weather than it does in the summer as does my Transit:D

It's a 2000 DHSE with a PSI Power Box.
i cant understand how it can be faster and use less fuel??? it doesnt compute

Fuel consumption is the product of many things including your right boot. One thing affecting consumption is combustion efficiency. Improvements in combustion efficiency is one reason why engines use less fuel for the same power output than they did in the past, it's also why 100bhp per litre is easy now, when I was a young racer, it was the holy grail.
All engines are tuned to meet emmissions regs and fuel consuption figures at set speeds, this leads typically to flat spots in the power curve amongst other things. Retuning the engine can often not only produce more power, but because the artificial resrtictions are removed combustion efficiency averaged across the entire rev range can also improve. More power can also mean you use less right boot in given circumstances, = better economy:D
That's really good to hear. Next winter i will turn my central heating up from half to full and use less gas. Brilliant.
i cant understand how it can be faster and use less fuel??? it doesnt compute

Since de-egr, de-catting and putting a straight through exhaust on it my Disco is faster, more powerful and more economical!

Basically, more power at the same throttle openings, so accelerates faster and gets higher speed. For the same speed, less throttle is needed, so less fuel used .. ;)

The differences on mine are, I guess, probably less drastic than on a P38, but they also cost a lot less!! Add in improved timing (done it properly) and a slightly tweaked fuel pump and it makes a great difference to the Disco. Put simply, it makes it a far more efficient system
Just fitted my p s i power tuning chip and K-n filter wow wow what a improvement !!!!!:):):) really flies and better mpg:D:D:D these should be fitted has standard I have been really disapointed with the P38 until 2nite will sleep a happy man 2nite have a look on Range Rover P38 Diesel PSI Power Tuning Chip 95-99 on eBay (end time 21-Mar-10 19:04:19 GMT) and very easy to fit bit fiddly if you got big hand like me but 20mins all done great
I was told mine had been chipped when I bought it ,where is it situated so I can check?also is the k+n required as mine has the standard air filter box .:confused:
Chips are usually connected within becm and you'll have to take it out to check,personally wouldn't bother cos it'll be soldered into circuit board so should be ok if in there. K&N are an improvement and again its personal choice not a requirement

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