
Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I was gonna post this in the insurance bit, but then decided noone checks in there, I sure as hell don't!

Plus someone else just started an insurance thread, so I decided I could too :D

Soo...I have searched for this but doesn't seem to be a common thing. I am going to Morocco in April with a couple of guys from on here (see the thread if you want to come). Have just spent an hour on the phone to varying insurance companies without much luck...

Lancaster- WILL NOT insure me if I am going to Morocco (or even planning it)
AF- Need an immobilizer, £670 without, £454 with, plus don't cover Morocco
Direct Line- Came back at £300 until I said I was going expeditioning in it and then she wouldn't quote due to them not insuring for off road.

Bah! Any other suggestions? Pref covered for green laning if poss.

I have an alarm kit to fit to my 90 which does have an immobilizer, so can fit that, but I know a lot of people don't rate AF at the moment.
Try NFU, they're usually very good for issuing green cards etc. Not sure if anyone will cover you for off roading but in Maroc, when off the tarmac, you will mostly be on piste so not off road but on unsurfaced local roads.
Try NFU, they're usually very good for issuing green cards etc. Not sure if anyone will cover you for off roading but in Maroc, when off the tarmac, you will mostly be on piste so not off road but on unsurfaced local roads.

Cheers. Do you have to have any farming ties to use NFU? Though I may get my mum to get them to give me a ring as they are farmers.

I told direct line that I was mostly going to be on road, but they wouldn't have any of it.
No need to be involved in agriculture at all, they'll insure just about any bugger ;)

Don't mention off road to them but do tell them you "may":pound: be venturing off on some unsurfaced roads.
We have a fleet policy through work with a different company now, but when I used to travel to Maroc regularly on my own insurance it was always NFU and had no problems getting cover. They are a bit pricier than some others but in my experience they are an easy company to deal with.
NFU may be a problem depending on your postcode , as they have become a bit choosy on who they will cover . Any UK insurer will cover you thruout the EU (they have to ) .
Try here for info on ins in Maroc
Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB
I had this problem - i spent literally days ringing everyone in existance.

Saga will in some cases - if an existing customer. NFU will in some cases, if an existing customer. Didn't find anyone else who would even entertain insurance for Morocoo.

I ended up just buying the worthless 3rd party insurance on the border and really hoping that my expesnive D3 with lots of toys and all the kit inside survived Morocco. It did. If it hadn't i'd have cried, but, it wasn't going to stop me enjoying the experience!

I had this problem - i spent literally days ringing everyone in existance.

Saga will in some cases - if an existing customer. NFU will in some cases, if an existing customer. Didn't find anyone else who would even entertain insurance for Morocoo.

I ended up just buying the worthless 3rd party insurance on the border and really hoping that my expesnive D3 with lots of toys and all the kit inside survived Morocco. It did. If it hadn't i'd have cried, but, it wasn't going to stop me enjoying the experience!



It is a lot of hassle. NFU are ringing me back when they have talked about it due to it having some guards and a raised air intake on it. Apparently weren't on the list of modifications!
I just renewed with AF, so if anyone finds this thread wondering if there is someone who does expedition friendly insurance...no. No there isn't. At all. Ever.

The closest I came was bewise which is a broker. They were pretty good and threw in some useful stuff like 90 day green card, but were £200 more than AF and that was before me telling them that it might go off road...

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