New online here and have just downloaded from the elatest link. Will this work fine on Windows 10 Pro or should I revert back to Windows 7? It is a stand alone laptop that doesnt worry me which version of windows I use. Great thread by the way... lots of good info.
Is anyone able to comment on my post above? I now have access to both Windows 10 laptop and a Windows 7 laptop but want to know which one will suit the best. The Windoww 7 (Home Premium) laptop is arriving today and I need to get started on sorting the issues I have with my RRSport that my GAP tool diagnose other than what the faults are.
Windows 7 x64 is the recommended OS for SDD if you plan on using it for more than diagnostics - such as module programming.
Thanks for that. The Laptop arrives today and it is Win7 x64 Home Premium so it should be fine. Now I just need to get my head around the downloads etc needed such as the as Built files etc. It has been a while since I did any of this stuff.
Hmmm so a few issues with the install...
First up the vcredist didnt load as my laptop is x64bit OS, the file on the download is only x86.

I do have the CD that came with my Mongoose cable which has the x32, x64 file.
I continued with the installation (probably should have stopped there but...) and while it all went through and completed I got this on completion.


But I continued... I went into Topix and checked the SDD software and it was the same version as this one (was I meant to check anything else)
So I installed the patch (offline) but I didnt get any request to log in etc (maybe I am just not understanding the instructions correctly)
I installed the interface driver and tried to open up and it failed to start... giving me this screen message

I guess I can uninstall JLR software and try running the vcredist install from the Chinese CD then try again... but just wondering if I am missing something in the steps... especially with regard to Topix...

All assistance is greatly appreciated :)

UPDATE: OK, I bit the bullet and uninstalled JLR software and installed the vcredist file from my Chinese CD (includes the x64 files) and then re-installed JLR and it all worked... well I havent connected to the Rangie yet but it all comes up OK in Internet Explorer.
I need to make the registry change to stop it trying to use Microsoft Edge but that is easilly sorted as was getting the right version of Adobe Acrobat.
I managed to download the As built files as well... but I think I managed to hit the OK button before they were all downloaded to the flash drive.
Everything is there on the flas drive but I dont know how the SDD will access that info... still I am further ahead than I was...

Again... if I am not doing anything correctly... please let me know :)
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OK, so partially successful first attempt at connecting to the car. VIN was read fine but when I set it to measurement it crashed half way through testing the modules.
I attempted to run it again but man is it slow to go through testing regime... some came up with errors, mostly not getting any info back by the look of it. Should it take up to 30 minutes to complete the testing of all modules?
I also had a quick look at CCF but it showed that the As built files were not there... I have downloaded them 3 times now and each time followed the info on the screen but it seems I am not doing something right... hopefully someone can assist on this.

I had my Ctek charger hooked up on its booster setting and the battery was showing green on the main screen of SSD and it was maintaining 12.5v all the time...would that have anything to do with the slow testing time?
All assistance is appreciated... I am in the dark on all this for now.
New member here.

JLR SDD v164 + mongoose cable. All working and connecting to car fine with an old win 7 laptop.
As I am very new to this I will appreciate some help.

I replaced the EGR and now require to configure (adapt) it as a new unit. I've been in and out of the SDD trying to find how to do it but no luck so far.

Please help, where and how to find it.
EGR on what? I can't remember having to do that with anything pre-2017, after that, it will be in the airpath routine.
Ah, right - yes, that'll need initial calibration, the quickest way to get it listed is to click on the EML symbol at the bottom of the symptoms page, click through the continue and 'are you sure' prompts, then the range of available routines should be listed on the 'extras' and 'service functions' tabs - remember you'll need to keep the system voltage above 12.50V otherwise the routine will fail.
Thanks @Graculus - will follow your instructions and hope I find and click on the right routine... if any more details (idiots guide) let me have them :) as you seem to know the SDD very well.
Going to charge up a spare battery and connect as well... just in case @kermit_rr
Once connected and with at least 12.5v showing on SDD how long should it take to go through the testing of all systems?
Mine seems to hang for ages.... I will try it again tomorrow night and time it..
It depends upon the vehicle, no more than a couple of minutes though. A lot of it will be down to the quality of the interface and the drivers for it. It may be worth trying a different USB port.
Thanks @Graculus - will follow your instructions and hope I find and click on the right routine... if any more details (idiots guide) let me have them :) as you seem to know the SDD very well.
Going to charge up a spare battery and connect as well... just in case @kermit_rr
I suffered it on a daily basis when I worked for a LR dealer! It's difficult to do 'how to' guides as a lot of the available options are VIN dependent, so for example, I couldn't give you a screenshot of the path to EGR initial settings because its not applicable to any of the vehicles I could connect SDD to. Even the same engine in a LR will give different available menu items to a Jag.
Just for completion and hopefully others could find it helpful if changing the EGR valve.

Quick recap - EGR Valve replaced after DTC errors – P0405 & P0403 + Restricted Performance. Both Restricted Performance and DTC errors – P0405 & P0403 went away. But P0409 appeared and MIL engine light came on. Before taking everything apart again I re-checked connectors and found the plug to the EGR valve (which is quite hidden - that's my excuse :)) was not properly seated in. Pushed the connector in and the P0409 and EML light got cleared but now the original DTC errors – P0405 & P0403 + Restricted Performance came back.

Used the SDD program and spotted the “Run the Air Path Calibration” routine located under Service Functions > Recommendations > Powertrain (section) > Powertrain – Air path set-up routine >Run.

SDD executed the routine 3 times as it kept failing with the message “Failed to learn exhaust gas recirculation valve offset values”. Battery plus the spare one started going down with a “3 minutes before shutdown” message on the dashboard - 😱.

After the 3rd failed attempt SDD requested to clear the DTC codes and I accepted.

DTC codes cleared. Car driven for about 60 miles in the last 2 days and so far all OK.

Keeping fingers crossed all sorted but lets wait and see…🤞

Thanks to all for your help and suggestions.

@Gragulus – special thanks but somehow couldn’t follow your instructions – possibly due to the EML light been cleared after reseating the connector

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