Hmm ok all so haven big wheels and a snorkel and uprated suspension is now termed as bling?
I use the jeep as a work vehicle on a estate for going through farms and burns on hills etc I believe this is what landrovery are ment for so I don't see these items as bling
As for neglected, I don't see this I never once in my op write that the car wasn't serviced regularly or maintain as I just presumed that as I do that these things are down as part of course

Turns out one bent push rod and a new belt all is well

Funny how ppl love to jump on a bandwagon on forums

I thank you ppl for the advice but seem to be mistaken that this was a friendly site when I asked a simple question and get attacked about not maintaining my car and blinging it up? Think what you may but at the end of the day it is well maintaind has the important stuff welded professionally and been service and uprated with mods that are required on the scottish estate I work

Thanks again
glad to hear it weren't a goner ;)

you should've just ignored the comments (as they weren't meant to anger) or told them to feck off :D
Well 'Reddis cocks' ;) if the cam belt failed after 17 k then something wasn't done right.

Agree garage said the pulleys/tensioners looked badly worn

So maybe the last garage didn't replace these when I was told it was a complete kit?either way not my neglect

Thanks for the thoughtful and considerate replies kwakerman!
Agree garage said the pulleys/tensioners looked badly worn

So maybe the last garage didn't replace these when I was told it was a complete kit?either way not my neglect

Thanks for the thoughtful and considerate replies kwakerman!

Glad to be of assistance and hope it all goes well, think I might just add your quote to my signature as a reminder ;)

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