Alright guys I bought my first Landy about a 2 months ago and I've finally got it ready to rock and hopefully not roll. So if anyone is goin out anytime soon feel free to send me a pm as I'd quite like to tag along cheers

Well Hello to you Mr Murphy, how has life been treating you????
Excellent. No more smoking or bad starting in the morning. Just a couple of thing's I still need to sort. Hoping I don't have to take the gearbox out to sort an oil leak, looks like it's stopped on it's own. Temp gauge is not working as it's only got 4.7v coming out the back of the gauge(think the gauge is broken). But other than that, it's all good. Was hoping to be out soon but going to florida then my shotgun ticket should be here so off shooting. Need to stop working to fit in all I've got to do.
Yeah that work thing is rubbish, really gets in the way. I haven't been out playing for ages.
Glad the engines going well.
Just won an auction for a full length roof rack, but its in Peterborough.
Hoping to collect Sunday 24th and thinking about a green laning day somewhere between here and Peterborough.

Anyone about on the 24th?
Sounds interesting. Are there many round that way?

Dunno yet.
These are my options for a route.
I must be passing somewhere interesting?
Well Suffolk is **** so youre best going M11 way then you can do violets, then the ones at newport and saffron walden and north from there...

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