All done and back home now.

It was Andy that did all the work (Hamsterberg)

I would have been no use on my own, it was just so slippery, you could hardly walk through it.

There is a bit of a play area off the lane that is used a lot and Simon had gone in for a look.

There is a big drop into water on one side where people have made a few routes to drive through and a shallow dip on the other.

Luckily he got stuck in the shallow ditch and just couldn't get grip to get out.

If he has slipped the other way he could possibly have ended up on his roof in water.

It was a tricky winch job because of the slippery surface but after a few possition changes we managed to even turn him around to face the correct way as reversing back out would have been a problem.

I can't take any glory except for torch holding and guiding.

All in all a good way to spend an evening.

Pictures were impossible. We all only had phones and the pics were all coming out with a load of glare. We recon there must have been a slight fog in the air the flash was just lighting up.
Right! First of all, let me say thanks to all that responded, but an even bigger thanks to Brian and Andy. I was properly stuck in some really claggy mud, but with some very clever winching and a little help from a few Trees, I made it back to civilisation. With all the ****ty things happening in the world recently, it's nice to know there are some good people still about. Cheers guys!!

Just for the record, I wasn't laning, I just went to see what the play area was like after the recent rain and as I tried to turn round to go home, I slid sideways into what is now a very churned up bog. I am partial to little lone laning, but this time I was being a good boy, even though it turned out that I'm still a plonker. But hey, alls well, that ends well. Happy days


Not good pictures but this is why we didn't take more.
Well nice to meet you Ranger (plonker):)
Good to see you again Brian, and a good joint effort by all:)
Made a change from sitting around scratching me nuts :D although now loads of mud in me motor:eek:

Was a bit luck as my winch packed up last week and i brought one sunday on Ebay and it turned up this morning, so got it fitted to day with some welding mods on me bumper, so was a good test for it:D, although had been playing with it this afternoon so knew it wasnt going to fail me;):)
It did well.

Has me thinking about getting one myself. They are so usefull.

Every mod I have done to my trucks has taken me time, I have gone from being impressed by a standard disco but slowly adding parts that actually make a difference.

Before tonight I didn't want a winch but seeing just how slippery mud can get and especially in such a dangerous place with all the drops either side then a winch could be my next addition.
It did well.

Has me thinking about getting one myself. They are so usefull.

Every mod I have done to my trucks has taken me time, I have gone from being impressed by a standard disco but slowly adding parts that actually make a difference.

Before tonight I didn't want a winch but seeing just how slippery mud can get and especially in such a dangerous place with all the drops either side then a winch could be my next addition.

They are handy things;)
even if for just pulling yourself out the poop;)
Great team work guys
I'm getting a winch now too i've contemplated getting one before.
just in case LZIR is needed near me.
Ranger... Are yu saying that yu went out on your own to look at a prospectively dangerous off-piste area that yu had never driven before?
That doesn't sound very responsible :(.
It sounds like that lane is now well and truly buggered.

Well done guys on getting him out. This shows, yet again, why we keep saying don't go out on your own. It only needs a change in conditions and a bit of bad luck. At least make sure yu have backup available if yu need it.
Gutted, I turned me phone off at 7.45 & then got a text at 8.15. Why oh why did I turn it off. Nice work boys. He won't be doing that again.
Ranger... Are yu saying that yu went out on your own to look at a prospectively dangerous off-piste area that yu had never driven before?
That doesn't sound very responsible :(.
It sounds like that lane is now well and truly buggered.

Well done guys on getting him out. This shows, yet again, why we keep saying don't go out on your own. It only needs a change in conditions and a bit of bad luck. At least make sure yu have backup available if yu need it.

Im sure he will learn from his mistakes. :D
Ranger... Are yu saying that yu went out on your own to look at a prospectively dangerous off-piste area that yu had never driven before?
That doesn't sound very responsible :(.
It sounds like that lane is now well and truly buggered.

Well done guys on getting him out. This shows, yet again, why we keep saying don't go out on your own. It only needs a change in conditions and a bit of bad luck. At least make sure yu have backup available if yu need it.

This area was not part of the lane, that is all ok, not a bad lane, quite long with some close trees and low branches and a few little ditches to avoid. No deep ruts though.

The off piste bit will recover, it's just been turned into a very slippery place to be with all this rain. I would definately not reccomend anyone go there alone though. There was no control and even Andys defender on MUDs couldn't go where he wanted, there was a good chance of him going sideways of a steep drop.

There are trees to stop him from going all the way but we probably would have had to recover him first.

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