1. Brian S and family
2. Geoff
3. Jimmytd5
4. Jon
5. Daniel (and possibly Elaine, start time depending)

Whose Daniel?
PS - big thanks for changing the date, but if you'd picked the Saturday I would have missed a family party at the outlaws :doh:

1. Brian S and family
2. Geoff
3. Jimmytd5
4. Jon
5. Daniel (and possibly Elaine, start time depending)
6. Nicholas (+ a few mates).
Whose Daniel?
PS - big thanks for changing the date, but if you'd picked the Saturday I would have missed a family party at the outlaws :doh:

1. Brian S and family
2. Geoff
3. Jimmytd5
4. Jon
5. Daniel (and possibly Elaine, start time depending)
6. Nicholas (+ a few mates).
wat time stat :scratching_chin:
Last edited:
Will be earlyish start, probably 10am to get a good days worth in.

Route usually takes around 6 hours, but with stops and rescues usually over runs.
Whose Daniel?
PS - big thanks for changing the date, but if you'd picked the Saturday I would have missed a family party at the outlaws :doh:

1. Brian S and family
2. Geoff
3. Jimmytd5
4. Jon
5. Daniel (and possibly Elaine, start time depending)
6. Nicholas (+ a few mates).
7.paulesc camping? ;0)
Well i am getting there, dash is all going back in :D


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