I'm working between Xmas and new year :mad::mad::mad:
Trying to get some time off but they want me in the office, so looks like I'll be missing the Xmas laning day this year.
Be on the look out for another Disco yes, depends on price though. Won't be coming to the Christmas laning as I'll be working.

Defender's auction should go live Thursday evening at 8pm for 10 days. Fingers crossed it sells without having to deal with too many dickheads.
Be on the look out for another Disco yes, depends on price though. Won't be coming to the Christmas laning as I'll be working.

Defender's auction should go live Thursday evening at 8pm for 10 days. Fingers crossed it sells without having to deal with too many dickheads.

I'll be watching that. Be interested to see what it sells for.
Looking at doing the same in spring. Once disco prices are at their lowest.
Sunday 30th December good for everybody?

Put your names down here then.

1. Brian S and family
2. Geoff[
3. Jimmytd5
1. Brian S and family
2. Geoff
3. Jimmytd5
4. Jon
5. Daniel (and possibly Elaine, start time depending)
Well, got a new headset, gasket, and headbolts today, and Brians spare head has been skimmed, so now i need to swap it over this week and see if it helps or if the blocks had it. Mikes offered to lend a hand with the swap at some point this week if anyone else wants to lend a hand (tea and coffee will be supplied) as i want to try get it done for the laning day!

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