Well-Known Member
Seen them now there ace!
Little man has a couple of these, not cheap thou at 100 nicker for the body and about 300 for the car and radio gear been building him a tuber bowler from steel rod here's a we pic
I love playing with these kinda models, been doing it for years, this is my current one:
thats my current beastie, its more of a crawler than a replica, massive amounts of asrticulation, twin motors, 4 wheel steering e.t.c, I am currently trying to make a replica of my disco, may take me a while tho!!
ok, try again
Seen them now there ace!
No, still can't view them. Getting annoyed now.
Little man has a maverick scout crawler with a hummer body a axial scx10 with a 90 body shell and the hand build bowler that's nearly finished when I get some time, we take em down the woods when I feel fit to walk for milesI've had to put waterproof speed controllers on em and waterproof all the radio gear because any water he finds they get submerged don't like to think how much money I've spent on them ( prob could have bought another 90)
whys that?
Well it's official, never gonna see the road again
Can you handle the withdrawal symptoms of not wrecking discos
what colour is the interior?