John let me know if you are interested in my suspension fella. Gives me the kick up my arse to order my new front suspension lol.
Not sure if I'll be going with Gwyn Lewis or Terriferma's own products yet. Gonna try and find some reviews and decide then.
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Nick (Discodad).

Anyone else? May find a puddle after all this rain :D:D:D:D

With the rain we've had today and due tomorrow you guys are going have fun for sure tomorrow night. I have been gagging to get out in some wet conditions but the missus wont allow it this time.:(
With the rain we've had today and due tomorrow you guys are going have fun for sure tomorrow night. I have been gagging to get out in some wet conditions but the missus wont allow it this time.:(

I've been trying to help the builder demolish our utility room and was getting rather fooked off with todays monsoon.
But your right, tomorrow should be more fun, every cloud and all that....

I don't think having to limit to 6 vehicles will be problem!!! Is it only me and Jonny357 for tomorrow nights laning?

Dam Bures! Cost me a starter motor! I'm never going there again.

Still I bet you had a good day ;)
How comes that?

The following day I went to start my car and there was just a click! I thought - flat battery! Tried my other battery-still just a click! So .....

I called Brian - he told me to hit starter motor! Then it started!

It starts 27 times out of 30, but ya know it's just gonna get worse! So I thought I would by one now and keep it in the boot!
had it running on the way back, got home and i couldnt hear it running, so i played with the switch, nothing....

not to mention i nearly lost my fingers as i forgot we hadnt taken the viscous out....

Ill have a butchers in the morning. apparently Mondeo fans should suck, not blow so ill have to reverse the terminals and see. Might just of blow a fuse. Again.

IF not, ill pick another one up from the breakers, and pop some rivnuts in the tabs this time rather than fiddle with those bolts.

Johny had to put a 30amp fuse in mine as it just kept blowing fuses also any fan that sits behind the radiator should suck air:)

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