You'll get a disco or classic through there if your careful, dunno how much room depeneders need.Right, Videos!!! Finally :doh:
YouTube - Hilux Taking The Easy Way Out....
YouTube - Defender Trying To Go Where A Hilux Did!
If anyone is going in the next few weeks (saturdays), i'm free and gagging to get back out with you lads, it was a great day and now theres been some rain we can get stuck, sorry, temporaly delayed!!!!
Thats probbably violets lane.Good after rain-if yer got a dezul n snorkelJust dropped George a line to see if he fancy's doing that lane which fills up. Should be just right to wade through now!!!
Hopefully a quick play can be had!
nope defo out of the running,getting rid of the classic and will be on the hunt for a disco soon.Cheers anyway!Spotted this the other day in rainham, thought you might like it!
Count me in!! I'm definately up for that m8!!! :car:
Great stuff. Anymore....!:5bhurray:
I got an aerial n mag mount ya can borrow but wont be out laning.Gis a shout if yer need it.Has anyone got a c.b aerial they could lend me on the 21st, ive fitted a cb in my taro and im waiting for "my rubber ducky" to be delivered, I just wanna see if the second hand cb i bought actually works, anyway, im looking forward to next saturday, get ya names down lads.