I have not tried that one.

There is a nice pub restraunt on the way there called the Pattiswick. :)
There's a good pub on the right in Bradwell, past the Stisted turn off-forgotten the name though! & also The Dolphin on the left before that just past the Bay Tree garden centre-pukka food
There's a good pub on the right in Bradwell, past the Stisted turn off-forgotten the name though! & also The Dolphin on the left before that just past the Bay Tree garden centre-pukka food

I've often thought of trying out that pub for lunch one Sunday (The Dolphin) Recon I'll give it a try with the family this weekend.

As its Fathers Day my missus can pay. :D
Gone very quiet on this thred.How we all doing out there?Got next week off so WILL get me rangie motd and on the road on pain of death.Then its out n about in it.Any one else been out much?
Mines not moved in over a month, except a trip to the dump. :(

I've got a tyre thats in need of some air then it would be ready to go.
Good stuff, mines not moved in nearly 3 months now:eek::(:mad:All me own fault tho.need to get me arse in gear n get it sorted.Thats the plan for next week.
allo you lot, as anyone seen my discovery about, i went in the pub one friday night on me way home from work as you do to wind down after a hard week left the disco in pub car park went back sunday as i was in bed all saturday with a bad head and some w$*~er had taken it.:mad:
allo you lot, as anyone seen my discovery about, i went in the pub one friday night on me way home from work as you do to wind down after a hard week left the disco in pub car park went back sunday as i was in bed all saturday with a bad head and some w$*~er had taken it.:mad:

No way, thats proper harsh.
Whats the registration-put some pics up & we can keep our eyes peeled.

Not been out much, done lots of work though-new coolign pipes/pump b& stat, new brakes, rebuilt my propshafts-first attempt.Started @ 7 last nite & finished @ 3am-just the front one-BITCH OF A JOB. Word of advise-by a whole new prop-UJ's suck!
you should have dropped the prop round to me i would have done it for you i am getting quite good at doing them lol
Mate seriously , it was help-the old ones were welded to the yokes, used my mates 20t press to shift them! Half way through doing one, the electric meter in the workshop ran out of juice so we had no light, trying to funble in another quid...fortunately the rear one has just the one UJ & the rubber bush at the back.
And whatever idiot @ LR decided that a double cardon joint should have 2 non greasable UJ's in a was a proper klutz!
**** using a press to get them out you need to give them a jar to got them shifted, stick it in a vice and give it a tw@ with a hammer of the large kind, took me about 1/2hr each to do the ones on my series 3 and they had been in there since about 1992
We did start off by tw@tting them but we werent sure if we would damage the yokes-when i get it down to half an hour i think hell would have frozen!
When i need more done you are my first port of call!
thats true; my clutch is next & then the DiscoReincarnatedFund will truly be at an all time low-but itll be good to go for a bloody long while I hope! I cant believe how much money has gone in to it in the last year to get it how i want it
allo you lot, as anyone seen my discovery about, i went in the pub one friday night on me way home from work as you do to wind down after a hard week left the disco in pub car park went back sunday as i was in bed all saturday with a bad head and some w$*~er had taken it.:mad:
Mate!Thats a right ****er!Last thing ya need when ya hanging!Where abouts did it go from?Ill keep an eye out for it, shame i never got to see it in the flesh.

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