
New Member
Hi there

I have just had to pull my 2.5 turbo diesel 19j apart again. I first rebuilt the engine due to it burning oil and lots of blue smoke on start up. I replaced all the stem seals, piston rings and big end, main crank bearing due to the engine having low oil pressure. Rebuilt engine and run her for about 800 miles or more. However the problem still hasn't gone away, she is now smoking more than ever and using lots of oil. I took the engine apart again yesterday, and there was lots of oil on the cylinder walls, and injectors. Took all the pistons out, all the rings seem ok and pistons. The cylinder walls don't look worn at all, however the walls are heavily glazed so could that be the problem? When I took the head off, the wad lots of oil on the head gasket and block, could that be because of when I broke the seal or has head gasket not sealed? The rings are a good fit in the cylinders, would it be worth deglazing the cylinder walls? Can u do that with the crank in? Does it need oversize rings if so how do I check for that? I am a apprentice mechanic myself but I am really stumped by this? Please help because I just want to get her up and running now :).

Any advice would be most appreciated
Cheers Chris
are you sure bores arent worn piston clearance in bore is only 1 -2 thou 0.02 -0.05 mm,you cant fit new rings in old bore without putting fresh crosshatch on to cure oil burning,oversize rings are for oversize bores ie +20 where bore is rebored to 20 thou wider and +20 pistons and rings fitted,cylinder wall wear would be most noticeable on opposite side to cam,and is best measuerd with bore guage ,personnally i would get block bored and new pistons fitted,but at least put crosshatch on well,valve guides checked and renewed if worn cheaper than bronze linering them,check head on flat between valves as they crack there ,ensure you use steel injector washer in bottom of hole as well as copper washer ,this steel washer apart from sealing combustion chamber stop nozzle walls overheating ,discard any injector nozzels that have signs of blueing on side,ensure you gap each ring in bore before fitting to piston

Thanks for the advice, I removed 1 of the piston rings and fitted it into 1 of the cylinder and measured the gap, it was 0.80mm which is excessive, all the cylinders had the same amount of piston gap and all the cylinders looked glazed but not worn, the old piston ring also measured a excessive gap 0.90mm. The pistons are a good fit in all the cylinder. So, the problem is then the rings are too loose, can I just buy oversize rings say 0.10 thou and see what the gap is, if it's too much, can I shave a bit of the rings so the gap is correct? Also the values have play in the value guide, could that be a problem as well?

Can you please help
Cheers Chris
you cant often see thats why i have bore guage /comparitor ,no next size up is for different piston ,gaps more of a problem if too small ,you could try putting cross hatch on with drill powered hone more than less most dont do it enough,guides can be knocked out and new pressed in,glazed bore will burn oil

Thanks for the advice. I have bought a deglazing tool so I give that a go. What pads should I use, 150 grit etc. if I do that and replace all the value guides, will that cure the problem. I really don't to get into reboring the engine if I can helP it? Will oversize rings fit standard pistons?

Cheers chris
rings have to be piston size ,you can get cord rings which are for worn engines but can exacerbate wear ,280 -320 grit,might help ,personnally i would rebore but worth a try dont forget to protect journals from gritty fluid during honing,valve guide wear and oil loss is very linked to smoke on start up
hello brooks reading youre thead on piston rings ect how did you get on with the deglaze did you manage to sort it out or have you gone for a rebore with oversize piston and rings its been a while since you wrote this any news
Hello mate

Yeah, I rebuilt the engine, well must have been about 8 months ago now and the engine runs as sweet as a nut. The bores weren't worn much so in the end, I bought a deglazing tool and removed the glazing from all the cylinder walls. This left a really good crosshatch in the cylinder walls. Fitted new standard size pistons and rings, and it run sweet. Why are you considering rebuild your 19j? It does really depend on how worn your bores are, with out looking, if the bores are only glazed, same as mine then you could just get away with deglazing the cylinder walls. If you need help, just contact me

Hope it helps
lookin to do the same to my block soon can you tell me what pistons you used ive been looking at many different suppliers but its hard to know what there like cant afford top end stuff so looking for good reasonable price pistons rings ?
you both said the bore wasn't worn did either of you measure anything, or was it a visual they look good?????????? you got micrometer eyes?
no my eyes shot but a suitable device will be used before ordering any parts . when the head was of i noticed that the pistons had a series of numbers stamped on the crown dont know if that means owt looking into it .who sells good quality aftermarket pistons rings simples.

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