greeting all 
i'm needing to replace the coolant pump.
whilst mulling over the prospect of a d.i.y. job .. i'm considering getting one of these,
there are other models on the page ..
questions :
1] are those suitable for the fl1 ? .. if so, would the one with the cross beam be better ?
2] to what part of the td4 would the chains/hooks be attached to ?
( tbh .. i've not yet looked into ?2 .. lifted the bonnet for a look, searched youtube,
( flipped through the haynes or googled .. only just decided to make a move on this job ;-/
i prefer that method to using a trolley-jack .. cobbled street on slight incline, plus the under-tray would need removal. [ no garage ]
the beam weighs less than a t.jack and be more convenient to store.
my other choice be suitable bottle jack .. but i'd still prefer to support engine from top.
i've not messed with that part of the engine before .. belts, alt, hp.pump replaced at garages.
bothers me a tad that i've never tried changing belts myself.

i'm needing to replace the coolant pump.
whilst mulling over the prospect of a d.i.y. job .. i'm considering getting one of these,
Clarke CEC500DS Dual Hook Engine/Gearbox Support - Machine Mart

questions :
1] are those suitable for the fl1 ? .. if so, would the one with the cross beam be better ?
2] to what part of the td4 would the chains/hooks be attached to ?
( tbh .. i've not yet looked into ?2 .. lifted the bonnet for a look, searched youtube,
( flipped through the haynes or googled .. only just decided to make a move on this job ;-/
i prefer that method to using a trolley-jack .. cobbled street on slight incline, plus the under-tray would need removal. [ no garage ]
the beam weighs less than a t.jack and be more convenient to store.
my other choice be suitable bottle jack .. but i'd still prefer to support engine from top.
i've not messed with that part of the engine before .. belts, alt, hp.pump replaced at garages.
bothers me a tad that i've never tried changing belts myself.

