Mate I am up in Sussex and am happy to come help spanner it with you if you need a second pair of hands
Pal that's a really kind offer, spannering the piece of crap is not the problem, being bothered and wanting to is, I'm just sick of spending my spare time on the green oval piece of cack I've got two 2a projects I should be working on ( one of which I've just put on eBay to pay for this pile)as well as working six on two off but instead I'm using all my spare time on this turd
Pal that's a really kind offer, spannering the piece of crap is not the problem, being bothered and wanting to is, I'm just sick of spending my spare time on the green oval piece of cack I've got two 2a projects I should be working on ( one of which I've just put on eBay to pay for this pile)as well as working six on two off but instead I'm using all my spare time on this turd

Okay but sometimes spannering with some e else there just makes it more bare able and less tedious.

Hope you get your mojo back and get it sorted chap
Okay but sometimes spannering with some e else there just makes it more bare able and less tedious.

Hope you get your mojo back and get it sorted chap

You're either a kind bloke or you've got far too much time on your hands :D
Also whoever the forum member is i think needs to either help or sort it out for ya mate as when you buy an engine surely you haven't got to part rebuild it aswell.
Yeah I'd really miss the charm of not knowing when it's going to break down, at least when I had my jeep I just never knew if I'd get home alive

Join a couple of Shogun/Pajero forums before you jump to that marque.

My 98 Shogun wouldn't idle, needed a full exhaust, ABS was dead, heater matrix was leaking and the rocker cover gaskets were dead. I had to import an ICV from the states to avoid paying £200+ for one :|

On the 3.0v6 you need to remove the entire inlet system to change anything on the top of the head, plugs @ £120 a set, leads @ £100 a set etc etc.

The later models are monocoque and rust like a Disco that's lived in the sea!
Also whoever the forum member is i think needs to either help or sort it out for ya mate as when you buy an engine surely you haven't got to part rebuild it aswell.

Trust me, I'd be less than useless at anything engine rebuild like.

I'm sorry to hear about this continued trouble chap.

For the rest of the thread: obviously Marmaduke and I were in contact about the white smoke issue, and once that was resolved I gave him a chunk of money back. I'm not an engine builder and never claimed to be. Sadly the best I could ever offer (and all I stated) was what a previous ownder told me, and the fact that I drove it around pefectly happily and problem free when I bought it last year. I only drove it for 2 weeks (temp insurance) and then took it off the road and started taking things off it. I can only assume that the HG issue must be a result of the engine being sat unused for so many months. I'm honestly not sure what else I could offer. locations and transport is difficult, but Marmaduke knows that I would have fully refunded him if he bought the engine back. I think I've done everything I can to be fair and honest here. It's a very unfortunate event.

The stress that this is causing Marmaduke is very sad to see, and if I had anything useful to contribute, I would. Obviously the original alternator is still free if you want it, but it now sounds like that's not the problem.
Send me your money then. All the pushrods are properly bent and even with them removed and the auxiliary belt it still won't turn over. Just trying to decide whether to sell it or not cos I'm sick of it and can't really face another engine swap especially as I've just bought that engine for four hundred quid
Argh that's nasty!
Marmaduke do you still have your original engine?

A mate and I built one engine from 2 dodgy ones. Well one was okay and the other had a wrecked block.

You maybe able to rebuild the engine, it's not overly difficult just takes a bit of time. Get bits from turners.

Is taking it off the road a possibility? Build the engine on a stand then fit?
Get a cheap hatchback to get you to work and that, whilst you park up the landrover and sort it at your leisure?

You would get the insurance swapped over, so it would just be the cost of taxing both.
Join a couple of Shogun/Pajero forums before you jump to that marque.

My 98 Shogun wouldn't idle, needed a full exhaust, ABS was dead, heater matrix was leaking and the rocker cover gaskets were dead. I had to import an ICV from the states to avoid paying £200+ for one :|

On the 3.0v6 you need to remove the entire inlet system to change anything on the top of the head, plugs @ £120 a set, leads @ £100 a set etc etc.

The later models are monocoque and rust like a Disco that's lived in the sea!
I've been looking at d4d or a 3.0 td land cruiser. To be fair this pile of ****e isn't cheap to run at the moment
Marmaduke do you still have your original engine?

A mate and I built one engine from 2 dodgy ones. Well one was okay and the other had a wrecked block.

You maybe able to rebuild the engine, it's not overly difficult just takes a bit of time. Get bits from turners.

Is taking it off the road a possibility? Build the engine on a stand then fit?

Get a cheap hatchback to get you to work and that, whilst you park up the landrover and sort it at your leisure?

You would get the insurance swapped over, so it would just be the cost of taxing both.

I have still got bits of the original engine, I ended up putting my head, injectors and injector pump on this on to rectify the smoke it was putting out, the bottom end was goosed on my original engine though and as for keeping it as a project I've already got a pair of 2a's sat on the drive waiting
I have still got bits of the original engine, I ended up putting my head, injectors and injector pump on this on to rectify the smoke it was putting out, the bottom end was goosed on my original engine though and as for keeping it as a project I've already got a pair of 2a's sat on the drive waiting

Hmm 3 options.

- Sink more money into for a short block engine to fix this one

- sell it and cut your losses, buy a cheap run around (and scrap it when it does then get another) and concentrate on getting the 2a's on the road for your LR fix.

- sell one of the 2a and use the money to fix the defender then sort the other 2a

Is the rest of the vehicle sound? Chassis and bulkhead wise? Or is it a bit ropey as that could be the deciding factor
Right got the head off which looks OK but these are number 2 and 3 bores, what are your thoughts?


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