army ambulance

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Help please! My engine is not starting. When i turn the key the starter motor (i think) makes a noise but the engine does not turn or start. However yesterday after jump starting it down a hill and left the engine running for a while, it started up no problem when i turned the key. My haynes lead me to think it might be the fly wheel, but that looks like a big job so i hope not!! Battery seems to be all connected ok. Any Ideas? Thanks
what kind of noise,starter engaging ring gear on flywheel but not enough power to turn engine or starter spinning free ,,low battery ,poor wiring ,poor starter,remove starter and test it with jump leads check it spins fast enough and dog gear is moving in/out ,more likely starter or lack of current reaching it
If you get a loud and repeated clicking then that's the starter engarging but not spinning or turning the engine this would be a flat battery so try a jump start or charge over night

If it is just wizzing then that's the starter spinning but not engaging This can either be a sticky starter or worn out teeth on the flywheel or starter. Remove the starter and check through the hole

That should cover it
it could also be the solenoid clicking, sometimes my 2a throws a wobbler in the cold and the solenoid clicks away turn the key back and forth a few times and it turns over on the starter
Its not clicking...
and its a diesel 2.25 series 3
So i can remove the starter and look through to hole. But what will i see? Worn out teeth on a cog?
Batteries are new and should be charged well, however electrics are a bit of a mess (24v system)
When you remove the starter you can check the teath on the starter gear and you will also see the edge of the flywheel so if you get somebody to turn it over slowly you can check it all the way around
If you find a few teath that are worn down then that's your problem and the gearbox will have to come out to sort it
If the fly wheel is ok the the starter isn't throwing into alighnment and it's a starter fault. Check it by connecting it to a battery with the starter in a vice and see what happens
The diesel starter has a pre engage mechanism - the solenoid engages the starter cog before the starter starts to turn. If the starter is spinning but the engine isn't turning then it could be damaged teeth on the flywheel (usually catches if you rotate the engine slightly) stripped teeth on the starter or the preengage mechanism has broken - either a snapped/ missing pivot or a snapped/worn/bent operating lever. These could be caused by the starter cog siezing on the shaft. You'll need to pop the starter off and have a look. Be careful if powering up the starter on the workbench 'cos it'll kick back hard.

It the starter clicks but doesn't turn then there's probably too much resistance in the circuit or the battery is old and tired. Try a known good battery. clean all the contacts between battery and starter, live and earth. Possibly replace solenoid 'cos the contacts could be worn or corroded - I'nm not sure if the solenoid is a serviceable part.

There is a third possibility. If there is a click but no rotation the solenoid might be trying to move but is partially jammed and cannot make contact or engage the cog. It looks like removing the starter might be your starting point.
Thanks for the advice. It now seems to be starting ok again.
So i think (i mean complete guess) what might of happen is that my heater plugs have gone, meaning that the engine wouldnt start easily which had drained the current on the battery due to trying to start it to many times, and that now it will start after driving it a bit and when the engine is in the sun.
But still not sure what was going on but fingers crossed it will keep starting for a while!
Thanks for you advice guys, it seems to be working now!! with out any changes, i think it might be the heater plugs that are finished and was draining the battery not the starter motor at fault. But really i dont know only that its working now.

Poddy i love your car!! it like mine but older

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