
New Member
Hi all !
My Dads P38 DHSE, 9 times outta 10 when he goes to start it,he gets the message "Engine immobilized,press button" Pressing the key fob once means it will start straight away... The odd time it will start with no problems or messages..
Have fitted new batteries in the fob and am getting no other problems i.e with the alarm setting or locking..
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance , LTel
Ahhh yes the old RR wont play ball scenario!

You have the same problem I had. What you need to do is book your RR into an independent LR specialist or your local LR ripp-off dealer and ask them to install part number YWY500170. This is a NEW RF receiver which replaces your original Part Number AFR1953.

The reason being is that the old receiver that is fitted to all RR P38's was defective from day one and suffers from being bombarded from spurious RF signals and so forth. These can be from Car Park CCTV's, Mobile Phone Masts or as simple as an outdoor weather station.

This will stop the owner from starting the car as the car's security system thinks its being attacked or simply can not hear the key fob. It's also the case that these so called spurious RF signals can wake the BECM and drain your battery leaving your car in the need to be towed back to a LR dealer.

LR only admitted this back in 2004, two years after the final P38 rolled off the productions line. They tried twice and on the third time got it right.

It should cost you £145 for the part plus labour etc.

Any P38 owner should have this replaced if they havent done so already.
Hi, to resolve range rover P38 diesel engine immobilisation email me at, note that I live in Madagascar. I can fix your problem (engine cranking, remove of engine immobiliser code, becm)

The only proper fix for this is the replacement receiver as adam's post.

what you on about, (engine cranking, remove of engine immobiliser code, becm)?.
how do you fix this from where you say you are, and why does anyone need to email you to get the details?
Starting with the obvious, and without wishing to offend, but are you sure you're not leaving it too long between unlocking and starting? The immobiliser reactivates after 30 seconds or so. I know when I unlock and put something in the boot, it will do the same with me by the time I climb into the cab.
Hi all
Many thanks for all the replies,and apoligise for not thanking yous earlier..
To be honest, he STILL hasnt gone and got it sorted..It happens everytime now,but he lives with it,as pushing the remote whilst trying to start does cure it...
Will eventually go get the box changed,but has got EAS problem that needs sorting first ! :eek:

Funny this topics re-risen as my P38 has started immobilising outside our local Halfords and Decatholon stores.The "press remote" dosent work,but the EKA code does...And its done it in the same place twice now!! Looks like i need the upgrade (or park over the otherside of the carpark!!!)

Cheers guys
And its done it in the same place twice now!! Looks like i need the upgrade (or park over the otherside of the carpark!!!)

The old RF receiver strikes again! I wish some moderator or admin person would make a sticky on certain subjects like the P38 RF receiver issue.....
if yu sort by title in the "Common Faults and Questions" section - it will give yu wot yu want.
having a section in each forum was discussed and considered too messy.
I think the mods can copy that post into the RR section if asked nicely tho :D
if yu sort by title in the "Common Faults and Questions" section - it will give yu wot yu want.
having a section in each forum was discussed and considered too messy.
I think the mods can copy that post into the RR section if asked nicely tho :D

Not to criticise the admin staff or mods, but the "Common Faults and Questions" forum is in a right state at the moment and has been for some time. I know it may have been discussed previously before, but we need to separate all the problems into their respective places. Just looking at first glance puts people off searching.

No wonder people come into the Range Rover forum and post the same problem over and over again, it’s far easier to post it for the millionth time and get an answer far quicker from regular forum members.
I agree wiv yer but this is what yer get when yer av mods like what we got. useless lazy vain fooking ****s they are. A'd send trewy out to hunt em down if ah thought he could manage it in less than an hour & half. but any longer than that an the lazy fooker would go home. leaving the job half done.
i reckon its because the mods are putting info into that section. If they dint try and put useful stuff in there, it would make life so much easier - you wouldnt be able to find it anywhere.:eek:

It dont help havin peeps put there own personal reference stuff in there either.:rolleyes:

they cant fookin win - its better than it ever has been - stop complainin and try and help.
I agree wiv yer but this is what yer get when yer av mods like what we got. useless lazy vain fooking ****s they are. A'd send trewy out to hunt em down if ah thought he could manage it in less than an hour & half. but any longer than that an the lazy fooker would go home. leaving the job half done.

right one smacked botty coming pikeys way......just need to find someone wiv a rabies shot to go an do it:p
Not to criticise the admin staff or mods, but the "Common Faults and Questions" forum is in a right state at the moment and has been for some time. I know it may have been discussed previously before, but we need to separate all the problems into their respective places. Just looking at first glance puts people off searching.

No wonder people come into the Range Rover forum and post the same problem over and over again, it’s far easier to post it for the millionth time and get an answer far quicker from regular forum members.

I agree that the common questions forum should be split into sections for each vehicle as the list does look jumbled.It would be a lot clearer if we could alphabetise threads but I am unaware of how to do it.
I agree that the common questions forum should be split into sections for each vehicle as the list does look jumbled.It would be a lot clearer if we could alphabetise threads but I am unaware of how to do it.

FFS why don't we do away with the search feature as well? then if anyone has a question they can post it anywhere they want and some one can find the info for them and post a link to it.

OOOOPS forgot that's how most people do it already.

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