hi guys a little more info on this (sorry to bump this to the top) hopefully someone may recognise the fault, been in today had the codes scanned by a land rover specialist, he was reading throttle data and it was all over the place, sometimes 100% perfect others not, he's as baffled as i am now as to why it's doing it, anyway he cleared the codes and cleared the self learn on the ecu, now when i start the car it hunts between 1000-1250rpm with no throttle response from the pedal, i have to clear codes to start car then it ticks over at 1000 rpm but it is not learning throttle position as soon as i turn off ignition it resets and have to clear codes etc again, i have tried the throttle learn as the lr indy did and it makes no differentce, short of re wiring throttle body i don't know what to try next, the indy is asking a guy he knows who knows all about the bmw systems to see if he has any idea.