Are there any local politicians who also like classic vehciles, preferabley British and pre 1975? Politicians like helping the "small person" overcome a monopoly or a company abusing power, it wins votes and is on a par with kissing babies. Its worth a try. I've had some succes in other areas by mobilising my local MP when all else has failed. Obviously any dealings with politicians come with a health warning "if you sup with the Devil take a long spoon" but it would be my next strategy. The other thing is to ask what you get for the money,
I spoke to state and federal officials about my case and I am stuck. Unless I go to a authorized facility to get my Landy tested and certified I cannot get it registered in California. I don't think a certificate of conformity has ever been created and without that you cannot even go to an emission specialist to obtain a test.
V8? Ha, any old car incl. the huge V8s that were build prior to 1975 are exempt from emission checks.
V8s that were build 1975 or earlier were tested and a certificate had been produced back in the day when build, it does not really matter how bad they are polluting because they had to be compliant in the year build and as long as they stay within those old standards they are fine.
My argument was that I want to be compared to a care from 1981 that has a 2.5 liter 4 cylinder petrol engine. The answer was: That request is fine but only the officially authorized facility can conduct the tests and produce the results and that costs USD$9,950.
So, I may be within the range but unless the authorized emission center proves it I am **** out of luck.
Im thinking that for 10k you'd be getting an LS 6.0l engine to comply in cal

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