
Not really looking for an answer to this, but if anyone has a suggestion I'd be interested to hear. :D

Thought I'd share this as an example of Landy electrics wierdness.

On my 90, the repeater indicator on the passenger side wing has stopped working.
The bulb is good and works in the other side. :)
With the bulb out, a multi-meter shows there's electricary at the holder.:) But with the bulb put in there's no electricary.:confused:

I've done all the obligatory wiggling, poking and cleaning. Even the fuses, but without any success.

Got me baffled. Think I'll just replace the hole light.
Loose connector and when you shove the bulb in it breaks the contacts.

Take the connector off and hold them to the bulb directly - if it lights then clean/tighten the connectors before re-fitting. Or a crack in the track like I had in my interior light unit.
Thanks for the suggestions. Got me thinking.:)

It was a nice sunny morning so I had another look at this.
Turned out to be the live feed to the indicator. The wire had corroded right through a little way back from the connector, so despite cleaning the connectors there was still a bad current.

I've now chopped out all the old corroded connectors on both the earth and live wires, and replaced them with nice shiny new ones.

Got lots of bright lights now.:D

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