
New Member
I have been going crazy all day trying to get my Range Rover to start.
Battery ran out and I need to enter the EKA to remobilise the car, problem is I have read about 10 different possible procedures to enter the code and each time I get it wrong I have to wait half an hour to fail again!

Please please please can sombody tell me in a precise stage by stage from start to finish how to enter the code?

My car is a 1999 P38 Range Rover petrol!
Herewith a scan of the page covering EKA from my security card for my 1999 DHSE. Hope it helps


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Need to do it on a regular basis on my P38 as when left for more than five days the battery goes flat due to lots of 433 MHz interference where I live.

The procedure for my 2000 P38 is as follows assuming right hand drive:
Make sure the doors, windows and bonnet are closed, get out and lock the car again with the key. (Note: I have heard but never had to on mine, for 1996 and later models, you have to turn the key to the lock position four times for this step if the remote handset was not used to lock the vehicle). Then turn the key the required number of times according to the following sequence. (At each step the side indicator lights and the dash will light, I believe this is to show it has recognized the input).
1) To enter the first digit, turn the key the required number of times to the unlock position and return, that is from centre to the unlock position and back to centre for the number of time equal to your fist digit.
2) To enter the second digit, turn the key the required number of times to the lock position, which is from centre to the lock position and back to centre for the number of time equal to your fist digit.
3) To enter the third digit, turn the key the required number of times to the unlock position. Same procedure as above.
4) To enter the fourth digit, turn the key the required number of times to the lock position. Same procedure as above.
Turn the key to the unlock position to unlock the door, now place the key into the ignition do not turn or shut the drivers door, and after few seconds the barrel will recognise the key the rest of the doors unlock and now you can turn the key to ignition and start the car.
Note after 3 goes the BeCM goes into a 30 minute lockout mode, during which time the message centre displays "KEY CODE LOCKOUT" and further attempts at EKA will not work.

I got the original info from here: Security and Alarm System Operation & Diagnosis on Range Rover 4.0/4.6/P38A and have used it ever since with no problems.

Hope that helps?

hello i have a 96 4.6
it was locked out engine disabled after battery change
i dont have the EKA code, so...

get out of the car, lock it with key or remote
use the key in the driver door lock
unlock it once
lock it five times
lock it once
lock it five times

unlock, jump in, start it

happy days

hello i have a 96 4.6
it was locked out engine disabled after battery change
i dont have the EKA code, so...

get out of the car, lock it with key or remote
use the key in the driver door lock
unlock it once
lock it five times
lock it once
lock it five times

unlock, jump in, start it

happy days

So yours had the generic 1515 code, weren't you lucky:rolleyes:
For a 1999 and on vehicle the entry of the EKA code MUST start with all doors closed. Turn key LEFT from upright position to LOCKED position and back to upright FOUR times. Then and only then can you input the EKA code. If the code is say 1234, turn key from upright to RIGHT once and back to upright. Turn key LEFT and back to upright TWICE. Then from upright to RIGHT and back to upright THREE times. Then turn key from upright position to LEFT and back to upright FOUR times. Finally to RIGHT once to unlock car. This should unlock car and turn alarm off, if the code entry has been successful. Engine should then start.
I know this is a bit of a necro bump but some advice if you don't mind. My battery went flat while I was out of the country and now this has come up. For whatever reason my vehicle won't unlock. I recall having grief with it when I first had the issue. I am supposed to get some feedback from the dash when inputting the code? I can't help but feel I am doing something wrong.
I know this is a bit of a necro bump but some advice if you don't mind. My battery went flat while I was out of the country and now this has come up. For whatever reason my vehicle won't unlock. I recall having grief with it when I first had the issue. I am supposed to get some feedback from the dash when inputting the code? I can't help but feel I am doing something wrong.

Follow the instructions in RAVE (owners manual section). Only enter code twice if that does not work open and close drivers door for two more attempts. And you won't get the half hour lockout.
Follow the instructions in RAVE (owners manual section). Only enter code twice if that does not work open and close drivers door for two more attempts. And you won't get the half hour lockout.
Does it show Key Code Lockout by default or only when locked? As once we applied power it came up.
Does it show Key Code Lockout by default or only when locked? As once we applied power it came up.
Keycode lockout means it needs the EKA code entering correctly. You get that after three bad tries. And have to wait until it goes off to try again. It depends on the year of your car, after 1997 putting the key in the ignition should be all you need to do providing the key is synced. But if it is not that won't work. You cannot sync an out of sync key when EKA lockout is active. It needs the EKA code entering then you can sync the key. Put key in drivers door move slowly and carefully fully to the left and back to upright 4 times. If your EKA code was 2424 you then carefully twist key fully to right and back to upright twice. Then to left fully and back up right 4 times. Then to left fully twice and back to upright. Then finally to the right fully 4 times and back to upright car should unlock. If the car is 1997 on putting key in ignition should then sync key to car.
It throws up EKA as soon as it has power. I am getting it recovered home so I can chuck her on my good charger and go from there. Might have to come back for more advice.
It throws up EKA as soon as it has power. I am getting it recovered home so I can chuck her on my good charger and go from there. Might have to come back for more advice.

Might be worth disconnecting the battery overnight, give it a really good charge then reconnect. Someone on here once cured it that way. Maybe you'll get lucky?!
Thread revival.

Help needed. Battery went flat on my p38. Just put a brand new one on and now it won’t start.

-Vehcile and key were working perfectly a couple of weeks back when it was parked up.

-key no longer locks or unlocks via the remote and trying to start the engine results in a message of ‘Engine disbaled’

-have tried syncing the key and using the EKA but I get no change in behaviour

What am I doing wrong or what should I try next? Vehicle is 99 Thor 4.6. See the vid to see what I’ve tried.
Thread revival.

Help needed. Battery went flat on my p38. Just put a brand new one on and now it won’t start.

-Vehcile and key were working perfectly a couple of weeks back when it was parked up.

-key no longer locks or unlocks via the remote and trying to start the engine results in a message of ‘Engine disbaled’

-have tried syncing the key and using the EKA but I get no change in behaviour

What am I doing wrong or what should I try next? Vehicle is 99 Thor 4.6. See the vid to see what I’ve tried.

Buy a nanocom. If you are keeping it a while it's worth every penny.
Is it a thor or gems? I seem to remember someone saying that you can't enter the eka code via nanocom on the gems but you certainly can on thor.
However, even if you can't enter the eka, you can disable the passive immobiliser.
Before I got my Nanocom I got locked out.
Fix was to remove the battery earth -side for a few mins.
Stick a key in the ignition barrel.
Reconnect the battery, and it immediately said "Press a fob button".
Got me going on that one key in one go.
Try this..... It is what got me out of trouble.
Alternative "Key in Position II" Disarming Procedure

An alternative procedure for getting the system out of disabled mode is to disconnect the battery, and reconnect it with the key in position II. Steve Glover of New Zealand tried this with great success on his 1999 Range Rover Autobiography. "We recently lost the only key that worked by remote on the vehicle. Our second key had stopped working remotely on the vehicle a couple of years ago, our dealership told us it was impossible to fix and we needed to buy a new one. We used this key to try the “key turn method” of EKA but to no avail no matter how it was done it would not disarm the alarm. We then towed the vehicle home with the alarm tooting its head off. We kept trying the key turn method at home but [it had no effect]." Steve offers the following details of how he succeeded with the alternative "key in position II" procedure:

1/ Open the Vehicle manually with the key (the alarm will be going off the whole time) and open the bonnet (it is extremely Important to leave the bonnet and the door open or you may be locked out).

2/ Disconnect the main 12 volt vehicle battery.

3/ Put key in ignition and turn to position II.

4/ Reconnect the Battery.(window unset alarms will be going off)

5/ Start the engine then push the lock and unlock buttons on the key while the engine is running.

6/ Open and close all the windows to reset them.

7/ You are done.

Worked for me 1st time.

Then I fixed everything else when I got my Nanocom.

Hope this helps mate.
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You can enter the EKA with Nano on later BECMs which is the Thor cars.
BTW, in your vid you turned the key the wrong way with your initial 4 turns!
Once keycode lockout has gone from the screen (after 30 mins) with windows closed and door locked...
start by turning the key to lock (to left, anticlockwise) and return to centre 4 times.
the 1st digit of EKA by turning to unlock and returning to centre by the number of digits, and so on.
Much easier with the Nano though, after the 30 minute period has elapsed and display is blank of course.
Thanks for info. I’ll try with my Nonocom tomorrow. Is it easy to do or has anyone got instructions on doing this?

I did try 4 lock turns first as well. But it made no difference. It’s like it wasn’t even registering the EKA as it never said anything other than engine disabled on the dash. Even after trying it more than 4 times. Which as I understand it should have locked it out for 30 mins. I followed these instruction as well as others posted on the net.


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