Snatch blocks right and thats where I am going, nothing mad just want to improve off turbo performance a little, Palace where was it fitted at the sensor end and what kind of fitting was it, screw in to tapped threads, or plain hole and lock nut, what did you pay for it, and where did you get it from.
Tap a thread into the EGR blank this is the best place and also if breaks you can replace that blank cheaply
I tapped a thread into the EGR blanking plate too :) i bought the gauge with all wiring and fittings from ebay for about £25
About to do same, already decat and egr removed, about to tweek pump, thought it would be good to fit a couple of gauges (EGT AND BOOST) to look at any changes. Has anyone fitted gauges without using a mudpod ie somehow fit into existing dash (its an early 300) I have managed to fit a temp gauge where the drivers side ash tray used to be, and was looking at fitting boost and egt maybe forward of the hi/low lever and below cup holders, any ideas?

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