
Active Member
Hi all

Me again :eek:

I searched the site for EGR but it returned with no results.
Could anybody explain to me how the EGR valve works and what exactly it does,
I'm sure I read it somewhere on the forum but I can't find it... :(

And how can I block it of or rather where to block it off? Or post me a pic of one of those EGR blockoff thingies, maybe I can make my own one. Don't think i'll find it it SA...

Thanks for all the help! ;)

Ps. It's for a L-series 1999 model :p
Welcome to Loonyzone Chris.
three things....
1) the search facility dont like wurds of less than 4 characters - so "EGR" is nbg.
2) Try looking in Common Faults and Questions.
3) try searching for "blanking" or "blocking" or "valve" or "exhaust recycling".
Would this make much difference to the L series engine ? I have a 99 model diesel, and would remove it if it gives me better performance
Welcome to Loonyzone Chris.
three things....
1) the search facility dont like wurds of less than 4 characters - so "EGR" is nbg.
2) Try looking in Common Faults and Questions.
3) try searching for "blanking" or "blocking" or "valve" or "exhaust recycling".

Thanks mad hat man
Did a search on egr valve and got quite a few, they are all for discoveries but the concept seems to be the same?

Does the EGR have anything to do with the HDC? (Some wannabe mechanic mentioned it to me but it's bit hard to believe?)

The reason for wanting to block it of is it's cheaper to block it of than to replace it. right?

Just want to know how thick the blanking plate is, anybody know?
Or is it just thin stainless steel?

Thanks for all the reply's :D
Nope the reason fur blankin it orf is coz its a waste of space an duz more harm than good. Or at least those wot know, say so.
If you read a couple of the freds - you will learn.
Thanks mad hat man
Did a search on egr valve and got quite a few, they are all for discoveries but the concept seems to be the same?

Does the EGR have anything to do with the HDC? (Some wannabe mechanic mentioned it to me but it's bit hard to believe?)

The reason for wanting to block it of is it's cheaper to block it of than to replace it. right?

Just want to know how thick the blanking plate is, anybody know?
Or is it just thin stainless steel?

Thanks for all the reply's :D

I took mine and made up a plate 6mm took about 30 mins, if you take out the spacer that is in there you will see that it has a gasket either side, peel them off and fit them to your new plate with some exhaust paste then bolt it back together. You might want to clean your inlet manafold out as well when you are at it.

It made no difference to the running of my vehicle, other than the **** it normally deposits in my engine now goes out the exhaust.
Nope the reason fur blankin it orf is coz its a waste of space an duz more harm than good. Or at least those wot know, say so.
If you read a couple of the freds - you will learn.

Did read them (threads) and that's the first reason for blanking it of, but my EGR is stuffed so instead of replacing it i'm just blanking it off ;)
G,Day Chris, egr is only there to redirect exhaust fumes back into your engine under certain conditions of high manifold preasure, all it realy does is fill your air intake to the engine with oil and crap and is controlled by the maff sensor via the egr solinoid, this the only job the maff sensor does so dont be alarmed if someone tells you your maff is stuffed becours it dont matter .Take the cover of the engine and The EGR is at back of the engine , just follow back from the air intake on top of the rocker case you will see a pipe going down the back into a can looking thing behind the exhaust pipes etc, the egr is connected to it on the right at the botom , you will see a plastic pipe connected to the top and running from the egr to a solinoid on the firewall just under the windscreen, its easy to spot it has a little air filter hanging off just to side of it. If you have found it ok all you have to do is pull the plastic pipe off the egr and block the egr you just pulled it off , i just fitted a piece off nylon tube and stuck a self tapper screw in it , you dont have to go the expence of blanking plates etc. The solinoid on the other end of the plastic you just removed from the egr is the one that controols the egr, dont worry about it .
G,Day Chris, egr is only there to redirect exhaust fumes back into your engine under certain conditions of high manifold preasure, all it realy does is fill your air intake to the engine with oil and crap and is controlled by the maff sensor via the egr solinoid, this the only job the maff sensor does so dont be alarmed if someone tells you your maff is stuffed becours it dont matter .Take the cover of the engine and The EGR is at back of the engine , just follow back from the air intake on top of the rocker case you will see a pipe going down the back into a can looking thing behind the exhaust pipes etc, the egr is connected to it on the right at the botom , you will see a plastic pipe connected to the top and running from the egr to a solinoid on the firewall just under the windscreen, its easy to spot it has a little air filter hanging off just to side of it. If you have found it ok all you have to do is pull the plastic pipe off the egr and block the egr you just pulled it off , i just fitted a piece off nylon tube and stuck a self tapper screw in it , you dont have to go the expence of blanking plates etc. The solinoid on the other end of the plastic you just removed from the egr is the one that controols the egr, dont worry about it .

Thanks for your reply, help a lot!
Please correct me if i'm wrong, so you say I can just put a pice of blocked-off nylon tape on the EGR, and the vacuum pipe? Should I block that off ass well? :confused:
Yeah mate , just leave the other pipe from the solinoid hang down the back somewhere out of the way, no need to block it off.i wrote my reply before i read your last fred , if your egr is stuffed you might need to check that is not full of gunk and stuck open , if it is just clean it out and make sure the spring inside has closed it. Just block off the egr so the little pipe sticking out the top is sealed .
Yeah mate , just leave the other pipe from the solinoid hang down the back somewhere out of the way, no need to block it off.i wrote my reply before i read your last fred , if your egr is stuffed you might need to check that is not full of gunk and stuck open , if it is just clean it out and make sure the spring inside has closed it. Just block off the egr so the little pipe sticking out the top is sealed .

I took it off about two weeks ago and cleaned out the gunk and it's not stuck anymore, but when my F/L reaches high refs it opens and it smokes everything and everyone behind me and it's a engineering gimmick, as someone else mentioned, so might as well disable it.

I'll block of the little pipe sticking out of the EGR tonight ;)

If you want to know what it does, get a back issue of 'Landrover Owner International' October 2007 Issue Theres an article about one ( on a Td5 ) and the case for blanking them off.
Does the EGR have anything to do with the HDC? (Some wannabe mechanic mentioned it to me but it's bit hard to believe?)

No No and No in that order. one controls (supposedly) the emissions from the engine, the other controls your rate of descent when going down a hill via the abs system

think you need to find another wannabe....
No No and No in that order. one controls (supposedly) the emissions from the engine, the other controls your rate of descent when going down a hill via the abs system

think you need to find another wannabe....

Thanks Optimus Prime, I thought as much, stupid wannabe! :)

I unplugged the vacuum pipe that goes to the EGR and blocked it and bought another pice of pipe and plugged it into the EGR and blocked that off ass well?
Is that correct?

Thanks for all the replies everyone :D
Hi all, just removes the vacuum pipe from the EGR and blanked it this morning, the results are a smother pickup in revs from 1000 on, I was thinking it could be the MAF that was causing the initial flat spot but this has made a noticeable difference.:)
Hi all, just removes the vacuum pipe from the EGR and blanked it this morning, the results are a smother pickup in revs from 1000 on, I was thinking it could be the MAF that was causing the initial flat spot but this has made a noticeable difference.:)

Cool ;)

Not much difference in mine (L-series not TD4), just that it doesn't smoke as much as it use to, only under heavy acceleration which is normal for a doozel I think... :confused:

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