

After reading lots of useful threads on here about the fitting an EGR bypass - I tackled it yesterday. Was a very straight forward job. There was a good degree of sludgy oiling goo in the old EGR valve and the intake manifold was also coated. Most time consuming part of the job was cleaning out the air-intake manifold, Mr. Muscle did a good job (as recommended on there, works better than Gunk), needed to be careful not to splatter everything with oily goo though - recommend wearing plenty of protective clothing and large face mask!

So..after all that I was hoping to notice a modest difference in engine response at lower revs - but nothing....seems to be no noticeable change.

Also there was a bit of oil in one of the pipes coming from the back of the engine from the turbo - is that fairly normal?

Think of the egr mod as stage 1 now upgrade the crank shaft breather that's stage 2.
Then fit a synergy box for that ultimate glory
I would think what rhodie is referring to the pcv - have a search on here.

With the engine idling - SLOWLY remove the dip-stick - no oil at oil should come up the tube - if it does then the pcv is choked - replace it immediately, or your wallet may suffer.

The is a BMW Oil Separator upgrade for the pcv - search again.

Also when did you last change the little Turbo solenoid vent filter thing? Its a little job that looks like what is actually is - a small petrol-type filter just hanging free with one end left open between the brake fluid reservoir and the inner wing.

Singvogel. :cool:
I would think what rhodie is referring to the pcv - have a search on here.

With the engine idling - SLOWLY remove the dip-stick - no oil at oil should come up the tube - if it does then the pcv is choked - replace it immediately, or your wallet may suffer.

The is a BMW Oil Separator upgrade for the pcv - search again.

Also when did you last change the little Turbo solenoid vent filter thing? Its a little job that looks like what is actually is - a small petrol-type filter just hanging free with one end left open between the brake fluid reservoir and the inner wing.

Singvogel. :cool:

Already done the PCV valve a couple of weeks ago, I fitted the upgraded BMW part. The original tampon filter thing was a bit clogged up with oil but looked like it may have still allowed some air passage.

Re the synergy mod, probably not going to do this as I don't want the insurance hassle.

Not heard of the turbo solenoid vent filter thing? What does it do?
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Not heard of the turbo solenoid vent filter thing? What does it do?



It doesn't actually 'do' anything - but if it's clogged up/dirty then your turbo will be a bit 'lazy' in responding, increasing turbo lag.

In the extreme - it could prevent the solenoid actuation which alters the vanes in the turbo itself.

A very cheap item - often neglected.


After reading lots of useful threads on here about the fitting an EGR bypass - I tackled it yesterday. Was a very straight forward job. There was a good degree of sludgy oiling goo in the old EGR valve and the intake manifold was also coated. Most time consuming part of the job was cleaning out the air-intake manifold, Mr. Muscle did a good job (as recommended on there, works better than Gunk), needed to be careful not to splatter everything with oily goo though - recommend wearing plenty of protective clothing and large face mask!

So..after all that I was hoping to notice a modest difference in engine response at lower revs - but nothing....seems to be no noticeable change.

Also there was a bit of oil in one of the pipes coming from the back of the engine from the turbo - is that fairly normal?

Your maf could out of spec , there is a e version of the ron box (with no increase bhp) change your intercooler/turbo hoses for silicone ones , i have found every mod helps to a degree :)
By strange co-incidence a new thread has appeared entitled 'Does anybody know' as yet another person has found the turbo solenoid filter and is wondering what it is.

So..after all that I was hoping to notice a modest difference in engine response at lower revs - but nothing....seems to be no noticeable change.

Probably wasn't anything wrong with it the way it was!

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