We won't argue over 3 bolts. He's done the hard work and all he's got to do is some fine tuning and it'll be a good one
One would hope so but I have a back up plan just found another Disco which I can't resist buying, engine on it pulls like a train and all the running gear is sound. Handily its rusty in places where mine isn't and not rusty where mine is its also fitted with a full set of AT tyres which are worth the asking price by themselves. Will probably run it and give this one some much needed TLC and then flog it on afterwards.
Sounds like some thing I'd do, But how about keeping the rust free one and swapping the engine?
I probably will when I get some free time but for the time being I need to be mobile.

Ive been out fiddling with the pump timing as advised here and I can make a difference to the way it runs, I can make it louder and rougher and harder to start. Ive got it set now where it seems sweetest, no misfire anymore and starting is still awkward id say that power wise it slightly more powerful now but not hugely. No matter where the pump is set there is no more power available. Its pulling more willingly on the flat but still dying on the hills.

Oh and by the way them bolts around the pump be 10mm :)
I probably will when I get some free time but for the time being I need to be mobile.

Ive been out fiddling with the pump timing as advised here and I can make a difference to the way it runs, I can make it louder and rougher and harder to start. Ive got it set now where it seems sweetest, no misfire anymore and starting is still awkward id say that power wise it slightly more powerful now but not hugely. No matter where the pump is set there is no more power available. Its pulling more willingly on the flat but still dying on the hills.

Oh and by the way them bolts around the pump be 10mm :)

I've been having a think about this and I've got some questions for you,
have you turned the adjustment fully clockwise
where is the pump from, is it a recon or a second hand unit.

remedave, is there a key for the drive flange on these pumps? I'm thinking it could be a tooth out on the pump. What do you think?
Pump is a second hand unit off the bay. Ive had it turned all the way clockwise it took an age to start and sounded really rough when it did as if there were ball bearings in the inlet. It seems to sound sweetest and run with the most power about mid way between each extreme of adjustment but its still really flat. I suppose its possible that the 2nd injection pump is no better than the first.
Pump is a second hand unit off the bay. Ive had it turned all the way clockwise it took an age to start and sounded really rough when it did as if there were ball bearings in the inlet. It seems to sound sweetest and run with the most power about mid way between each extreme of adjustment but its still really flat. I suppose its possible that the 2nd injection pump is no better than the first.

Sounds more like you've fooked the settings to buggery. take it to a doozil specialist, & have it set up properly..
The only adjustment i've made to this pump is timing via the gear position. The pump flange has never been off with me, and the nut that holds it on hasn't been loosened. As such the pump flange should still be in the right position relative to the pump internals.
The only adjustment i've made to this pump is timing via the gear position. The pump flange has never been off with me, and the nut that holds it on hasn't been loosened. As such the pump flange should still be in the right position relative to the pump internals.

If it's 2nd hand previous owner could well have fiddled with it. get it set up and smoke tested. that way if there's a problem the specialist will find it. If the engine still runs crap after you've had it set up properly You can then look elsewhere to locate the fault.
This cars just weird! I thought id killed it completely just now and then suddenly it was seemed to be running better.

I jumped in the L200 to get hay and straw for the sheep as we are just starting to Lamb now and the bloody thing blew its turbo not wanting to risk it running on I did what seemed the only solution as the animals had to be fed and hitched up a trailer behind the disco. Aware of the running problems we only put 7 bales in a light weight alley trailer so probably towing 350kg ended up having to put it in low range to get up the hill to home and with plumes of blue smoke behind. At the time im thinking oohhhh sugar (or another word) this is gonna die now but it got home stopped and the blinking thing is idling at 2000rpm thankfully she shut off on the key. Anyway let her cool off for 5 mins and then more out of curiosity than anything else decided to see if she would start again she did straight away, no smoke and sounding sweeter than ive ever known her sound and guess what shes got more power. Not sure whats gone on there but it warrants investigation.
hmmm it doesn't keep the diesel in the tank very long though as its doing sub 20mpg and I need it for work.
Oh and by the way them bolts around the pump be 10mm cheers :D

Erm….. ok so its linked to the timing the blue smoke heat and 2000rpm tick over thats all the signs of the timing to advanced and the cold start active.

Now the EDC lump can vary its timing and it also has a cold start solenoid under it (thats the buzzing) now i wonder if because you changed the pump (and it probably was just the timing all along ) the new one had sat for a while and suck a bit this would be explained as this …..

you load and work the engine from cold it gets to running temp but the "choke" is stuck on excess fuel and incorrect timing are at work lots of heat and smoke :mad2: you knock it of the heat further builds ( thermal induction) then it frees its self.

Now the solenoid under the pump is a bitch to get too it has a plastic gauze filter on it (red i remember) this can block and cause the plunger to stick open allowing lots of fuel in just a thought, it can block causing the timing to stick too as this it the device that also alters the cold start timing.
Well I will get to the bottom of it eventually. I do know that the old pump was faulty though, I had it tested and it wasn't able to deliver anywhere near enough pressure at cranking speeds which is why it wasn't starting at all.

Thankfully I now have another car to use so this one can go into the workshop and be looked at thourighly.

Im going to pull the front covers off again and retime the pump because all though its now got more power from advancing the pump its now sounds very rough and as you said im sure the timing is now too advanced. I can get the pump timing set so that it doesn't smoke or idle too fast. But I can't get any more power out of it.

Now that ive got another disco to use im going to probably pull this engine and rebuild it, the low compression figures say there is a problem with it and once I know 100% that the engine is the best it can be i'll have a much better chance at getting everything else right.

When I got it the pump was too advanced and it had no power, get the timing in the right position and it still has no power but for a while was starting again with a warm engine (never had it starting properly from cold) and then the pump fails and leaves it stranded. Take pump get it tested by a specialist and told it needs a new one. Fit new one and time it using the pins and I get it running but too retarded and flat as a pancake. Follow advice given on here and spend 3 hours testing it with slight tweaks on the pump. Can only get a slight improvement from power and then it has a funny 5 mins and starts to run better for a short period and now its at the point where it will not fire at all even with easy start.
old pump was faulty though, I had it tested and it wasn't able to deliver anywhere near enough pressure at cranking speeds which is why it wasn't starting at all.

Yeah i had one like that too had the pipes completely of i could have spat more fuel out not going to bang on any more but yes you guessed its was the pump timing LOL i know why it was the pump timing but i can't be arsed to write it down on here.

Were do you live ?

I have just fixed a lads disco that wouldn't even pull up the street when cold he had to use low box !!!

Timing and valve clearances fixed that then i turned the pump and boost up for a bit extra umf

The EGR isn't stuck open ?

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