Disco Moneypit

New Member
Driving through Sheffield city centre this evening and I see one of those awfull G-Wizzes coming towards me. Driving it was a bloke who looked to be in his mid 40's.

As this fella got close he started flicking me the 'V's

Made my day that did :D Maybe when he grows up he will buy himself a proper car.
Made my day that did :D Maybe when he grows up he will buy himself a car.

I have corrected the last bit of your post. The G-Waz isn't even a car, it is classified as a quadricycle.

I wonder why anyone in any sane state of mind would purchase such a thing. If you want an electric car get one of these :) Tesla Motors
I bet once the plank has seen what happens to a G-wizz in an accident he may change his tune.;):p:p:p
Shoulda followed him home, took off yer number plates, engaged lowbox & driven over his bonnet:fighting:
can't have lived far away - whats the range on them things, bet its less than a V8


safe as houses them things :D:D:Dsnigger:D:D:D
Anyone see jeremy Clarkson drive one of those G-Wizzes into a Kitchen table in one of his videos?

The kitchen table won hands down and the G-Wizz burst into flames

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtGp8Sha_mA&feature=related"]YouTube - G-wiz versus the Table[/ame]

And then watch this - shocking :O

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6NhuIS1RAE&feature=related"]YouTube - G-Wiz Electric Car; Crash Test[/ame]
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I doubt you will, I don't think that test applies to them.
Glad you walked away, those tests, though useful, often have little relationship with what happens in the real world, when was the last time you heard of someone driving square on into a concrete block?
I have seen a Defender that spun into a wall on ice, I'd rather be in my Freelander. But the driver walked away, a bit bruised and stiff for a few days, but nothing broken.

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