I doubt you will, I don't think that test applies to them.
Glad you walked away, those tests, though useful, often have little relationship with what happens in the real world, when was the last time you heard of someone driving square on into a concrete block?
I have seen a Defender that spun into a wall on ice, I'd rather be in my Freelander. But the driver walked away, a bit bruised and stiff for a few days, but nothing broken.

I do have to agree with you there, the side impact protection on a defender is next to nothing. Hense the reason for my AD :D :D:D
Actually I was in my Freelander, went over the same icy patch about 5 mins earlier, wiggled a little bit, but carried on, Defender was written off. The bridge parapet didn't fare too well either!
Mate had a Defender that got hit by a moped on the nearside front wheel ... nothing wrong with the moped, the lad pulled it out and scarpered on it, but bent shock, broken halfshaft, stripped diff and bent prop on Defender, so left unable to move in the middle of Nottingham city centre!!

Only doing about 20 mph ... ;)

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