+1!!!^^^, after you plugged all in, reconnect battery, put ignition on pos II leave it so 5 minutes then start to programm, first in engine ECU /immobiliser, make it learn security code, then in BCU start setting everything step by step, dont forget about the ''always disarm with key''
Bearing in mind that the fuel pump will be on using battery juice when in pos II, it might be an idea to have the battery connected to a charger to ensure nothing goes wrong half way through the process.

Cheers Guys, not gong to get a chance to fix it till late tomorrow night or monday, got a horse show to marshal tomorrow........ really could do without it, want this disco dancing
BCU fitted this afternoon, huge shout out to Sierrafery for all the advice and the direct to Paul who is the most trustworthy, helpful bloke i have ever had the pleasure of dealing with....... after many weeks of ripping out the hair we have a RESULT!

Nice one Lads!! :):):)


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