Ferk me...I must have a club right foot or summat.

I average about 27-28mpg in my 1994 300Tdi...that's knocking about and motorway. Pulls well though. :rolleyes:
I have a 300tdi in a 90 with muds and roof rack, i get 40mpg out of mine, unless i tweak the boost pressure then i get 35 and a big cloud of death out the back!!!
Feckin big roof rack is the worst thing you can have as far as mpg is concerned. My 110 with a 2.5td was 10mph faster once I got rid of the scaffolding off the roof so how much juice was I wasting:eek:
You may not believe me but UNLESS the magic faries have been filling up my fuel tank then im afraid that 40MPG is accurate. Gone through the figures many times to make sure and they are accurate!!!
Mazin!!! Are you putting that magic water stuff in - or are you working in Km? Still not sure, that is a good MPG, way above what Landrover advertise - they should put yours in for the official figure test!
That is the average, more often then not it is 35+ but have had it to 45 on a long run.
No water in it at all, i live in norfolk but am at uni in essex so it gets blasted along the A12 and A14 regularly, that has seemed to help the consumption!
AAah...you must have a red one! We have these weird things called hills down here which knacker the consumption right up, i guess that's a problem you don't have where you are!
That is the average, more often then not it is 35+ but have had it to 45 on a long run.
No water in it at all, i live in norfolk but am at uni in essex so it gets blasted along the A12 and A14 regularly, that has seemed to help the consumption!

do you have a GCSE in maths?

Maybe the average is the "Median" average of some really good journeys rather than the mean?

That means 400+ miles per normal tankful - that's Golf TDi territory!!!
40mpg sounds like fantasy fuel consumption to me. 35 I could believe but 40 is stretching it a bit.
Yeah i agree but he's saying 40 AVERAGE with "a lot of 35 mpg journeys" which means he's also doing a lot of journeys at 45+ too to make the average up to 40. Hmmmm my bovine faecal detector is bleeping away in the background here!

I can get 300 miles at a pinch off of 40 litres which is just over 34mpg, and i'm chuffed to bits with that!
Wiv a roof rack too? Nah!

Wait on, I got it. It must be like one of Daft's motors. He drives part way, it breaks down & he gits towed the rest of the way. 40 mpg, piece o' **** see. :D
Yeah i agree but he's saying 40 AVERAGE with "a lot of 35 mpg journeys" which means he's also doing a lot of journeys at 45+ too to make the average up to 40. Hmmmm my bovine faecal detector is bleeping away in the background here!

I can get 300 miles at a pinch off of 40 litres which is just over 34mpg, and i'm chuffed to bits with that!

he could be running on undersized tyres. It looked like my old V8 110 wuz returning 21mpg when I did that.
An thass a standard 300 innit Griff? I think 400 is WELL optimistic, even without hills!
he could be running on undersized tyres. It looked like my old V8 110 wuz returning 21mpg when I did that.
My 110 V8 speedo is ten per cent slow on bigger wheels and doing not very much to the gallon
Best I have seen out of my 110 TD5 is 30 mpg, that was on a run, taking it easy, but well loaded with kit and people, but it did include running around the welsh mountains a bit so I was well chuffed. Just fitting a 1.2:1 transfer box, then off to Wales again this weekend. Will see if it gets any better.

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