If there is something in the description you are not 100% about, or described accurately, and you assume and then bid

You just went full retard
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Unless clearly stated IN DESCRIPTION then the picture with the ad should show exactly what you are going to receive. Anything else is deliberately misleading IMO, ebay definetly need to take some action on it as such goings on are happening a lot and buyers are suffering. I made a post recently regarding a little scam I was caught outwith where my replacement vcu was being sent from Romania despite being listed as being in Essex. A deliberate con to get people to buy, then they call you to apologise because its already went out but on STANDARD POSTAGE, therefore its going to take over a week and they cant refund until you return it.......they should all have their fookin hands chopped off.....they know who they are.
Unless clearly stated IN DESCRIPTION then the picture with the ad should show exactly what you are going to receive. Anything else is deliberately misleading IMO, ebay definetly need to take some action on it as such goings on are happening a lot and buyers are suffering. I made a post recently regarding a little scam I was caught outwith where my replacement vcu was being sent from Romania despite being listed as being in Essex. A deliberate con to get people to buy, then they call you to apologise because its already went out but on STANDARD POSTAGE, therefore its going to take over a week and they cant refund until you return it.......they should all have their fookin hands chopped off.....they know who they are.

which this light bars says. people need to take responsibility for learning how to read, and understand what they read.
which this light bars says. people need to take responsibility for learning how to read, and understand what they read.
The ad is for a light bar, I have read this a few times to be sure, and all it advertises is a light bar, should the buyer assume there are additional items then they should confirm this prior to bidding. It is up to the buyer to question what is included, not assume that the picture is everything.
Admittedly made my last post without viewing the listing....went off on one due to my own recent ebay woes.....agree the listing is vague....faults by both buyer and seller but would still say buyers should post a pic of the item they are selling, without attachments. Altho admit in this case I would probably have asked before bidding.
Holy thread ressurection batman....

I'm off shortly to meet the seller in this ere fred!!

Won'd a rear bumper plus lights off him fer 99p so I's gan over to pick im up plus a few other bits that I needs wot we discussed.

The address is on a small street about 30 miles away over t'big mountin. Will report back when we get home later this afty, hopefully with some serviceable bits for not a lotta spondoolicks.
Got it and it were in bloody good nick. Also had a set of side steps in usable nick for a few sovs plus a few bits n bobs for me big box o spares and rainy day jobs.

He was actually a pretty ok bloke. Had ****loads of new old stock fender bits. Is breaking 3 discos at the mo - 2 x 5dr and a 3dr.

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