weeee man

New Member
Hi,can any1 tel me if its ok to spray easy start in tubo air inlet on 200tdi as got flat spot and lack of power an wonder if that why?? As an AA man was using it.
its engine killer only good for cleaning bits with other than that stick it in a bin not a engine
It is rumoured to be bad for your engine as it washes away any lubrication from the upper cylinders. Unlikely to cause the symptoms you mention though. Do a search as these issues have been covered a million times in here.
What happens is that the detonation from the easy start creates a much bigger pressure rise in the chamber than normal, this hammers over the edges of the pistons gripping the top ring, and then when the motor warms up the ring cant go anywhere so it breaks lowering the compression, and the engine is then 'addicted' to easy start as it wont go without it.
That AA man was either a tosser or was fooked off with yer motor.
What happens is that the detonation from the easy start creates a much bigger pressure rise in the chamber than normal, this hammers over the edges of the pistons gripping the top ring, and then when the motor warms up the ring cant go anywhere so it breaks lowering the compression, and the engine is then 'addicted' to easy start as it wont go without it.
That AA man was either a tosser or was fooked off with yer motor.

They do seem to use it a fair bit, once had to call out an AA man to help with my V8 not starting... he used EZ start as well. I think it's alright for one-off get you out of trouble situations, but not as an aid for starting up every morning.
I have used it in the past but have always heard that engines can get to the point they need it to start

Funny thing is this stuff is called Start You Bastard here in Australia

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Its not so bad in a petrol engine as the compression is much lower. If you need it to start any engine then you have underlying mechanical or electrical problems that should be sorted.
I've used propane to start diesel engines that have stood for a long time but mainly on generator sets or old farm machinery.

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