You will have to join us on our next trip :D

Might take you up on that - my sister and her fella have just moved to Otley, so I might have to time my visit to them carefully:D

Just let me know when you are visiting and I will plan a trip for you. Just dont choose one of the dates on the first post unless you want to join the trips we have already planned :D:D:D
God i look awful :(
A huge thanks to zip and Sue for all your hard work in planning the trip. Was also great to meet Andy and Sarah and the kids :) So ive got over 300 pics to upload, whats the best way of doing it?
No you dont, you just look like the rest of us. I blame those Jägerbombs Zip started you all drinking :D:D:D
A huge thanks to zip and Sue for all your hard work in planning the trip. Was also great to meet Andy and Sarah and the kids :) So ive got over 300 pics to upload, whats the best way of doing it?

Perhaps put a few of the best ones on here with a link to the album so we can look at the others too
A huge thanks to zip and Sue for all your hard work in planning the trip. Was also great to meet Andy and Sarah and the kids :) So ive got over 300 pics to upload, whats the best way of doing it?

And it was great to meet you both :D:D:D

Cant wait for the next trip now
Some great pic's and vid's looks as if you all had a good time.
Now i wish i could have had time off work to come but there is always next time.
Some good looking lanes as well, thanks for sharing
Looks like a great weekend was had by all.

Brilliant pics as usual from the yorkshire massive :D
I will upload some now, am i better copying the html of photobucket??

Go into the photo on photobucket, where the 4 links are on the right hand side, click on the bottom one (will automatically copy to clipboard) then paste into the reply box and the picture will then appear seamlessly in the thread.

Preview it first if in any doubt

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