HDC seems to be behaving itself - button operation as it should be - just had a play outside work...on a flat road :doh: BUT>>>... if you are cruising along in low 4th or 5th and shut off the power then the abs (and its modulation) kicks in to slow down! :D
EXCELLENT! will have a shufty at the video links at home, but the pics are great. Sorry I didn't take any - I was sulking due to my "electrical ****e" as sue so quaintly put it ;) taking a dump :D :D

Seriously - it were a grand day out!
All of these pictures and videos are absolutely fantastic, well done everybody, glad you all enjoyed yourselfs
You will have to join us on our next trip :D

Thanks, you got a date for coming up here for a Dales trip yet

Will have to chase Heidi up as have not seen her for a while even so she lives a mile down the road lol

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