
Active Member
Hi Fixed all leaks from valve block eas working ok Ish get soft fault now and again but when going through the height profiles I can get access Highway Standard but it is struggling with High just won't go there
is the pump dying do you think Thanks for any help offered
It`s cheep and easy to referb, at least you know its ok then for along while and rules it out of the fault.
Hi Fixed all leaks from valve block eas working ok Ish get soft fault now and again but when going through the height profiles I can get access Highway Standard but it is struggling with High just won't go there
is the pump dying do you think Thanks for any help offered

There should be enough pressure in the tank when the compressor stops to take the suspension to wade height. If you are playing up and down using air, at times there may not be whilst the compressor is running filling the tank.
No Not playing with EAS just tried to raise it once after a long drive but not having it as I say it goes into all the others fine just high it is having a problem with also I have refurbed the pump just before Christmas as I was having EAS problems then
+1 on a full tank being able to go from access to high. If it doesn't complete, then the tank isn't full

First thing is the usual leak checks. No point in stressing the pump if you have leaks. Then check if the pump can actually fill the tank while car is parked with door open.
If it takes longer than 12-15mins then the pump probably needs a refurbish.
If valve block and pump have been refurbed then is it possible that your heights settings are incorrect so eas thinks it has gone to high but hasn't?
If valve block and pump have been refurbed then is it possible that your heights settings are incorrect so eas thinks it has gone to high but hasn't?

Refurbing compressor and valve block cannot effect height settings. Height settings are stored in the ECU. Needs diag on it to see what's going on.
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Maybe a small split under the fold of a bag that opens up just above normal height and lets the air escape instead of going higher. Only other possibility is that it's trying to achieve a height that it physically can't. That would be a bad sensor or a wrong figure in the setpoint.
As wamners says, you need some diag on it to see what's going on.
I'm near you in Langley if you want to come over and do the diagnostics. I also have various adapters to inflate the system using workshop compressor, plus a manual switch box to control the valve block without the ECU. Then you will be able to see if there's any cracks in the airbags when they are extended.

High Thanks for the help and offers of help ( pwood )I Have put a nanocom on it and found that the front right height sensor is out of range so will have to recalibrate and check sensor will report what I find whether it is a duff sensor or not
Sensor Out of Range fault doesn't necessarily mean it needs calibrating. If the system was working ok, then it's more likely the ECU cannot adjust the height to achieve the desired setting.
  • Are the existing stored values sensible and within the ECU expected range?
  • What actual height readings is Nanocom reporting?

Sensor Out of Range fault doesn't necessarily mean it needs calibrating. If the system was working ok, then it's more likely the ECU cannot adjust the height to achieve the desired setting.
  • Are the existing stored values sensible and within the ECU expected range?
  • What actual height readings is Nanocom reporting?

View attachment 115005

Sensor out of range means when the vehicle has risen to any particular selected height, a sensor reading is outside the minimum or maximum bit count for that height as in your attachment. This is likely a sensor fault as settings over or below the bit count for each height cannot be stored in the ECU. If this is attempted the ECU would revert to a preset. And you would have to start again. Or it could also be that the settings stored in the ECU are too close to the minimum or maximum value and a sensor is slipping over or under in either direction. When setting heights do not go within 5, preferably 10 bits of minimum or maximum to avoid this.
Hi I was sure that the bits were within range by 5-7 bits but will double check this today thanks for info
more info Have been out and adjusted the figures so that they are well above or below the min max bits so will give it a go and see how that fares fingers crossed
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Hi I was sure that the bits were within range by 5-7 bits but will double check this today thanks for info

You MUST NOT set the bit count sat in the car then get out to measure the heights to wheel arch's. Heights MUST be set on level ground with correct TPs from outside the car. You need to set the fronts within 2 bits side to side at plus or minus 7 mm from wheel arch. Otherwise front may dance when vehicle comes to a stop.
Anyone know how loud the compressor should be?

mine got stuck at high - all lights on. last time i just reset it and it all worked fine after that, that was six months ago. same again this time, all lights on, got it cleared - the code was "air supply fault" so check for leaks - nothing obvious.

it is stuck at low height and the compressor is running, it just isn't as loud (I think) as it has been in the past.

after a good ten fifteen mins the height has risen but not enough to stop the highway level light flashing. only reason you can tell its risen is that you press down and it drops slightly.

my guess is crappy compressor?
Anyone know how loud the compressor should be?

mine got stuck at high - all lights on. last time i just reset it and it all worked fine after that, that was six months ago. same again this time, all lights on, got it cleared - the code was "air supply fault" so check for leaks - nothing obvious.

it is stuck at low height and the compressor is running, it just isn't as loud (I think) as it has been in the past.

after a good ten fifteen mins the height has risen but not enough to stop the highway level light flashing. only reason you can tell its risen is that you press down and it drops slightly.

my guess is crappy compressor?

Either compressor duff or check for a leak from the diaphragm by removing exhaust silencer and putting you finger over the outlet. If there is air leaking with compressor running diaphragm has failed. For testing see my guide in tech archive.
+1 compressor.

Some people put extra spacers of cork or similar between compressor box and wing to make sure it is quiet.

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