
New Member
Hi all,

i am currently trying to connect my rangie (on her bump stops again!) to the EAS software that i have used before.....

only thing is...last time i used it on a windows vista problem

however now trying on a windows 7 machine and none of the ports will match up.....been through them joy....
I have updated the driver to the most up to date one too....

please any help???
Hi all,

i am currently trying to connect my rangie (on her bump stops again!) to the EAS software that i have used before.....

only thing is...last time i used it on a windows vista problem

however now trying on a windows 7 machine and none of the ports will match up.....been through them joy....
I have updated the driver to the most up to date one too....

please any help???
Try a different USB port, never had a problem on Win 7, plenty of problems on Vista.
Used on Win7 here too.....

Ensure you have up to date drivers installed, and use Device Manager to see which port number the USB/Serial Adaptor is set to.
Used on Win7 here too.....

Ensure you have up to date drivers installed, and use Device Manager to see which port number the USB/Serial Adaptor is set to.
Forgot to add that, Win 7 sometimes allocates an out of range port.
Never a problem for me on win 7 and i'm a div on the laptop :eek: but was :confused: at first use as I had to choose Com port I was using then hey presto good idle
I got windows 8 but havn't tried it but its a nightmare to find anything on here. worst program of all
since XP they have all gone downhill
I dont trust any of those site offering free software because they usually download a load of other annoying s*** and you cant get rid of it

Fair enough

I tested most of the CNET one on a virtual PC running Windows 8 RC1 and it all seemed fine, if that's any comfort.

If you're looking for a good bit of software to deal with the annoying s*** that comes from most websites and often isn't picked up by antivirus; I recommend Spybot Search and Destroy - free and specifically designed to remove rubbish from websites :)
Ive tryed mine today and it seems my usb-serial isnt compatable or at least the drivers arnt
Win7 keeps returning 28 80 no idle but if i unplug it instantly comes up com failure
Last time i used this cable it worked fine but that l/top had a serial port but its long gone to the scrap heap now
Ive tryed mine today and it seems my usb-serial isnt compatable or at least the drivers arnt
Win7 keeps returning 28 80 no idle but if i unplug it instantly comes up com failure
Last time i used this cable it worked fine but that l/top had a serial port but its long gone to the scrap heap now
TRy a diff com port in the software till you get good idle
is there any type of adapter thats better/worse than another?
i dont need it yet but its reasuring to know than it works incase i need it
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Tryed that
all 4 usb ports and checked coms 1-12 in eas software
Using Device Manager - reassign the Com Port for the Serial Adaptor to a different one, and set the same port in EASUnlock....I used Win7 a couple of weeks ago on a Fellow Members P38 worked first time no issues!
is there any type of adapter thats better/worse than another?
i dont need it yet but its reasuring to know than it works incase i need it
If re-assigning the port doesn't fix it, it's likely to be a driver problem.

FTDG USB to serial adaptors are easier to get working. If yours is a Prolific, it maybe a Chinese clone and they can have driver problems. Also if you plugged the adaptor in before you installed the driver, Win 7 will load it's own driver which most often does not work.
You can go to the Prolific web site for access to driver downloads.
im sure your already sorted out, but this might help others, i too had upgraded from vista to windows 7, ive spent a week trying to get the comp to talk to the car with no luck, i updated drivers from a disc etc,, today, (dont ask me why) i decided to bring the lead in the house, plug into usb and check which port again,, i then updated driver and hey presto,, rangies back up in the air,, :).. hope this helps someone else out who like me was pulling there hair out,, lol
I had hoped to post here and say that it worked perfectly with Windows 8...

It did.. but then the car gave me extreme stress with faults etc - however the comms driver worked fine :p
I agree with datatek. when i upgraded my laptop the old serial/usb adaptor didnt work. Alot of them are chinese knock offs and they dont work on win7 or later. Buy a new one of reputable make

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