after a long trip i'm getting a message " eas fault ' and when i turn the engine on the 4 lights (eas mode ) are lighting on and off >>>
any idea please ?
You will need a laptop and lead/software to find what is wrong and reset the faults.
You may find when you leave the car for while the EAS warning will be reset by the car and the warning disappears, but in actual fact a fault may have been registered by the cars computer. Storey Wilson’s lead and software will enable you to diagnose the problem and reset the system (Unlock).
Once an EAS fault is logged with the dash message "EAS Fault", it will not go away on its own. The only way an EAS fault can be cleared is with an external diagnostic tool. There are very expensive models avaliable or you can go the route of the laptop and cable.
Most EAS Faults are caused by leaky air springs. Are your air springs original to the vehicle? at about 80-100 thousand miles or 8-10 years they begin to leak. Although climate and environment can shorten or lengthen those times.