I'll look into that thank you... I bought new air pipe to fit with the system the old pipes ran all over the place and where pretty hard to get to in some cases. would it be ok to route the new air lines in a more convenient way? Ooor should I try and fit them as I removed the old ones?
I'll look into that thank you... I bought new air pipe to fit with the system the old pipes ran all over the place and where pretty hard to get to in some cases. would it be ok to route the new air lines in a more convenient way? Ooor should I try and fit them as I removed the old ones?

Now that's a very interesting question. I'd be real interested if someone knows why they went all over the place.

I used to use vacuum pumps a lot and the rule for an efficient system was to keep all pipes as short as possible. Same goes for high pressure. So why do the lines go all over the shop?! Longer lines presumably means more expense in manufacturing too. So why? To avoid kinks? I don't know. Given it seems totally counter-intuitive I can only assume they had a damn good reason. On that basis I'd replace like for like.

Are the old lines shot? Can you not reuse? Can you join old to new together, cut the ties and just pull through?
The old lines where ok I think but the whole systems going to be new so thought I'd restore the lines as well just to remove the possibility of them failing and letting the new pump burn out or something silly!
I'll look into that thank you... I bought new air pipe to fit with the system the old pipes ran all over the place and where pretty hard to get to in some cases. would it be ok to route the new air lines in a more convenient way? Ooor should I try and fit them as I removed the old ones?
The pipe runs seem quite logical on mine. I'd use the old pipes, they only fail if melted by a blown exhaust.
I can see your thinking. Someone gave up and put it on springs so where was the issue? Who knows what was happening? Lines are cheap so one more thing eliminated. Bit of a pain in the arse though. Everything else can be switched in under an hour! (Individually, of course, not the whole lot).
I can see your thinking. Someone gave up and put it on springs so where was the issue? Who knows what was happening? Lines are cheap so one more thing eliminated. Bit of a pain in the arse though. Everything else can be switched in under an hour! (Individually, of course, not the whole lot).
Most of the time, it's just down to worn airbags and a numpty who doesn't know what is needed.
Im not sure why it was put on springs so like you said, changing all the lines for piece of mind. It could be because of a leaky pipe in an inaccessible area which kept burning the pump out?? so previous owner just lost patience with it. by changing them and routing them in a safe but easy to see route underneath I'll be able to keep my eye out for leaks better?
Im not sure why it was put on springs so like you said, changing all the lines for piece of mind. It could be because of a leaky pipe in an inaccessible area which kept burning the pump out?? so previous owner just lost patience with it. by changing them and routing them in a safe but easy to see route underneath I'll be able to keep my eye out for leaks better?
Do as you wish, IMO it's easier to test the pipes and replace if needed.
hi will, whereabouts are you in Lincolnshire ???? and have you got a laptop as im down near tattershall and quite happy to lend you my eas suite !!!!!!
Mozz! That's really kind of you thank you! The response to putting it back on air has been a lot better than those asking to put them on coils!! Are you often it Tattershall?
hi will , im usually down every 2 weeks at my caravan , I think once you've got it back on air you will be impressed with the difference !!!!! I wouldn't want springs I like the ride on air too much , reminds me of my Renault magnums before I retired !!!!!!!cheers mozz
I'm looking forward to it too... some of the new parts have come but I'm still waiting on the major components like the bags pump and valve block now. Bloody bank holiday lol ;)...
ok , let me know when you need the eas kit send me a p.m. also can lend you a kicker too if you need one ,, whats your car details i.e. age and diesel or petrol ????
cheers moz
I also have the EAS software on laptop and Datatek`s lead as well the nanocom Will and maybe a bit nearer than Tatershall.
Good luck dude as much as id like mine back on air im not as brave as you. Or have a computer to hand. Plus id have trashed at least two bags around the farm

What? Steel springs don't fracture? There's no reason why airsprings in good condition should fail unless you're really unlucky with driving over something very sharp and pointy - if they were that fragile there'd be stranded HGVs scattered everywhere - and they can be changed at the side of the road with minimal tools in 20 minutes - so if you're off-roading in a remote place you could carry a spare front and rear, they're cheap enough.
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Stuck again steve i had barb wire stuck through the rear springs and remains of a fence post wedged in the front.

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