steve long

New Member
Just fitted coil springs to 1996 4.6 HSE. Did it as soon as the christmas tree lit up (plus 6 miles). All seems good, but not as comfy as the bags. Anyway, my question is, how do I stop the constant beeping without spending a fortune?
Thanks :)
Started it up this morning and it is telling me its not happy. In fact, its telling me it only wants to go at 35MPH MAX. Well I've spent a fortune on it, talked to it nicely, fed and watered it with only the best, loved and cherished it. Now, in return, this is what it does to me. Frontal lobotomy is what its going to get. Anyone know how to to the required surgery?
Depending on the kit you used to convert to springs...there is usually supplied a little electrical box of trickery available to plug into the EAS system to fool it into thinking everything is hunky-dunky....

I have to agree with The Wammer and Datatek on this...the P38 was designed to have the EAS...coils are just an excuse....

That said, some have spent so much money on the EAS to fix it, coils are, at times, the only logical answer following months of headaches and arguments from She Who Must Be Obeyed.....
Look on Fleabay harness to stop the beeps and messages about £49.00. But to be honest unless everything was duff. There is not an EAS system on the planet that can't be fixed for less than you pay for a spring kit.
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Spare part surgery? Tell me about it. Bags, Compressor, valve block, ECU, sensors, drier, and 7 visits to my friendly dealer. (I think I am paying his morgage). Enough is enough.
Flea bay at £50.00+. Anyone know how to bypass it using jumper wires?
Spare part surgery? Tell me about it. Bags, Compressor, valve block, ECU, sensors, drier, and 7 visits to my friendly dealer. (I think I am paying his morgage). Enough is enough.
Flea bay at £50.00+. Anyone know how to bypass it using jumper wires?

Well mate if you fitted all that and did not sort it, best thing is not to go back to your friendly dealer again. He is a prat. Buy the harness or you will have sparks flying. Don't want to set it on fire and burn the paint off your new springs do you.:D:D:D
Did your 'Dealer' fit the springs for you, or did you DIY??

If the dealer did it, go back and tell him to fit the Device as this should have been fitted on the conversion...

If you DIY'd, then obviously the kit you purchased didn't have the box of tricks....

It is not a case of jumping things across, as the EAS ECU needs various resistive values from the Height Sensers to satisfy itself...or else it thtows up more errors due the sensers being out of range...

Sorry bud, Fleabay box of tricks is the only real solution....

You could of course disconnect the beep sounder...but then none of the other beeps will sound and you will still be stuck with the Message Centre warnings and little orange light....
as others said the P38 was never designed to be run on coils but if you have decided that your coils are the way (which seems a little odd considering all the EAS bits you have already changed) you will deffo need the little black box to fool the BeCM that the EAS is still fitted and working properly.

You need the isolators & wiring harness somethng like what contained in the below

The message can be cleared really easily, you don't need anything more than a single piece of wire. You plug out the EAS harness plug from the ECU and connect two pins with a jumper wire.

IIRC its pin 7 to pin 18. Everytime you start the car you'll get the message 'EAS Manual' but thats it.
Hi, Thank you all for your advice. Just bought item suggested on Ebay. My dealer might be a prat but he's the cheapest prat arround. (dont go there) Fitted springs myself. Fairly easy job, if you are a contortionist with VERY strong arms.
Hmmm, Just spent 50 quid on a wiring kit to be told I could cancel the message useing just one piece of wire B****Cks.
Now, just exactly where can I find this bleeper?
I intend to do it some serious damage (unless you know something I dont) and I don't want to hear from any be kind to bleeper/save our bleeper nutters
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I believe the Wire Jumper method as mentioned *may* be to fool the ECU into thinking the inhibit button has been pressed and as such it should ignore height sensers and etc....

I have to say I have never heard of this solution previously, that is not to say it won't work as SpudH is a pretty switched on guy....but I would exercise caution if you decide to do this....
I believe the Wire Jumper method as mentioned *may* be to fool the ECU into thinking the inhibit button has been pressed and as such it should ignore height sensers and etc....

I have to say I have never heard of this solution previously, that is not to say it won't work as SpudH is a pretty switched on guy....but I would exercise caution if you decide to do this....

Nope, the EAS is completely disabled as the ECU plug remains unplugged. The jumper wire just tells the BECM that it is in manual/diagnostic mode and not to be bothered returning any more fault messages.

I went around for quite a while like this one time when my EAS was hard faulted out before the P38 community had access to EAS kickers and EAS Unlock etc. Some very bright guys (the guys that developed EAS unlock) went through the whole system to develop an emergency recovery system using jumper wires at the EAS ECU plug. Clearing the fault message on the dash was something they stumbled across during this process.

Steve, on the £50, you're not the first guy to be annoyed by this type of thing but if I hadn't told you about the wire you'd be happy out, remember that.

I had a RRC stuck up on top of a mountain 3 weeks one time when I lost the keys having locked it with the remote fob. Unfortunately though I had spare keys, I only had one fob so the thing was immobilised and I had no way around it. After much research I came across a guy who reset land rover alarms. You bought a 'chip' from him to get round the alarm. You unplugged the alarm ECU and plugged in this 'chip' and if you posted off the alarm ECU and a new fob he'd reset and re-sycnh. Great service! As I didn't have a second fob it didn't matter that much to me so I just bought the 'chip'. When the package arrived I opened it to find what was essentially a plug to match the alarm socket. Being an engineer I couldn't leave well enough alone and so in wonderment at how they could do it so neatly, I took the back off the plug to find..........a jumper wire across two contacts. I'd paid about £40 for it.

I was a bit peeved for a while but then remembered that the bloody RRC had been out of action for the previous 3 weeks over it so quickly came round to appreciating how a guy is entitled to make a few quid out of his knowledge. That was 4.5 years ago. The 'chip' is still in place and I still wish the guy who sold it to me the best of luck and would recommend him right now if I could think of the company name:cool:

I've since educated myself a bit on motor electronics (had no choice since replacing the RRC with a P38:rolleyes::rolleyes:) and theres a whole lot more of that sort of thing can be utilised to get round problems.
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I like to strut around my office professing my general level of Design Genius, I have a reputation at work for being arrogant and generally like to impose my percieved level of greatness upon other people.

But to you, good sir, I doff my cap - I am not so arrogant as to know when others are clearly as worthy of praise as I..!!! :praise:
I like to strut around my office professing my general level of Design Genius, I have a reputation at work for being arrogant and generally like to impose my percieved level of greatness upon other people.



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