Oh what a joy. Did the jumper job (checked inside the plug just to make double sure and the numbers are quite plain to see) and gave it a try. EAS manual displayed for a few seconds then went out. The lower three buttons on the christmas tree came on and stay on but I can live with that. The ride height seems fine (a bit more of a roll on corners but nothing drastic). The best part is, after spending best part of a week stationary on the drive I just drove off. Normally I would have had time for tea and toast while waiting for the thing to "Rise majesticly"

The bit more of a roll in corners is the reason NOT to fit coils. The vehicle becomes much easier to roll over. Specially in an highspeed evasive maneuver. Removing the EAS removes a built in safety feature. Classic Range Rovers on coils were barred by the police from high speed chases for this reason.
The next time I'm contemplating a high speed chase, or a high speed anything I'll remember that. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy being able to just jump in the car, start it, and drive it. No waiting, no funny noises from compressors, no ups, no downs, no tilting, no light shows, just in, start, drive.
When I said there might be a bit more of a roll it is so slight it's hard to notice.
Anyway, job done, I'm happy, the devil may care, but I don't.
Thanks everyone for your input.
PS If coils are so dangerous (were all going to die) why are they still on sale from reputable companies, (made especially for the job) and why do so many LR and RR owners fit them? Perhaps the diehards should try to get them banned.
My grandaughter came up with a brilliant idea regards my christmas tree. Just blank them out with a black felt tip pen gramfer! Stupid girl.
Now, where did I put that pen.

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