
Good afternoon all, I've got a 2003 l322 petrol. Have been looking around for Johnson rods or similar for a while but I've only managed to find 2005 onwards. Are they available for pre 05? Thanks
Aren't those for Americans with limp dicks :eek:

Oh wait, you mean con-rods right.....right:oops::D

Edit (courtesy a' La Google).....they are uprated EAS height sensors, for dudes wishing to rise to the occasion, not toooo far removed from my initial guess, mooohahah!
Linky >>>>>>
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So are they for making the suspension higher ?
If they are then tricking the Allcomms EAS calibration is easier isn't it ?
So are they for making the suspension higher ?
If they are then tricking the Allcomms EAS calibration is easier isn't it ?
I would have thought so, considering you can set it to any height from 'on the ground @$$h○le' to 'reach for the sky m○ther¿#cker'. Also considering my fatassed girl wallows on the jiggly piggly, back roads, around me at normal ride height, I would dread to think what they would do with johnson rods on.
I was concerned my mind was working like @myfirstl322, who quite often seems happy to talk to himself.
Anyway, isn't sitting in a corner rocking backwards and forwards and muttering to yourself about damn Range Rover torque converter , air suspension, battery draining vanos units, I'll show you who is in charge, around here, sitting on my drive staring at me will you, you just wait and see ....:mad::mad:o_O
What was the question ?
I was concerned my mind was working like @myfirstl322, who quite often seems happy to talk to himself.
Anyway, isn't sitting in a corner rocking backwards and forwards and muttering to yourself about damn Range Rover torque converter , air suspension, battery draining vanos units, I'll show you who is in charge, around here, sitting on my drive staring at me will you, you just wait and see ....:mad::mad:o_O
What was the question ?
Oddly enough I understand ALL of that, so I think , as it is pre-1200hrs, we both need a nice cup of coffee. :)

Forgot to add, I blocked that waste of oxygen within a very short time of it joining the site , which judging by your comment shows I did the right thing :D
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Oddly enough I understand ALL of that, so I think , as it is pre-1200hrs, we both need a nice cup of coffee. :)

Forgot to add, I blocked that waste of oxygen within a very short time of it joining the site , which judging by your comment shows I did the right thing :D

Well I'm on the Guinness in Pompey, was he sending you PM's, ?
Waste of rations as you say !;)
is anyone else bothered about $185 for bent wire and grommets ????
Never mind that, is anyone even remotely concerned that our wonderful Gold Lady is displaying signs of primrose oil deficiency, she evidently needs a bigger fan, even bigger than HC it seems, is that even possible?
When Alan's away Andy gets to play !!
im down at the docks doing favours for sailors !! That's another quote for you.;)
Matlows are great if you need scran or a lift somewhere wet;)
Never mind that, is anyone even remotely concerned that our wonderful Gold Lady is displaying signs of primrose oil deficiency, she evidently needs a bigger fan, even bigger than HC it seems, is that even possible?
You are only jealous, I can play with you too, but you are proper bonkers :):)
Bring back @Datatek , at least he was a proper grump with a good heart who was worth arguing the toss with,
Goldie ain't worth a rats fart to me, end of, simples. I out-grew huffiness a longggg time ago.

Yourself HC, I like,( along with every other rational grown-up on here), nothings changed there, I admire what you've accomplished with your ride and banter with you is always welcome :D

I do have a penchant for fruit n nut, itz true, sue me ;)
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Now now, what's gone on, I thought we were all one big happy family, disfunctional, deranged, gun toting , moonshine drinking, special uncle avoiding, 4x4 breaking, ****ed up type of family but happy all the same. :)

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